MK Maklev Wonders How A Bus Driver Is Permitted To Endanger Passengers

1MK Uri Maklev referred to a Motzei Shavuos rock-throwing attack against a number 3 bus in the Wadi Joz area as it made its way to the Kosel. Three people were taken to the hospital with mild injuries as a result of the attack.

Maklev turned to Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz asking how the Arab bus driver permits himself to travel via the Arab neighborhood and thereby placing passengers in jeopardy. He explained that in this case, B’chasdei Hashem the outcome was not as serious as it could have been but this does not change the fact the driver ignored regulations and took an unauthorized route.

“This is a most serious matter that resulted in the careless attitude of the driver. The careless attitude of the Egged Arab bus driver is unacceptable. Instead of traveling to the Kosel using the route via the Rockefeller Museum, he entered Wadi Joz and the bus encountered the attackers. Tens of Arab youths began pelting the bus with stones and metallic objects. The rear window was blown out and they continued throwing rocks at passengers” explained Maklev.

Maklev explains there were over 100 passengers on the accordion bus, including women and children, all placed in life-threatening danger because of the irresponsible actions of the driver. Maklev also turned to Police Commissioner Roni Alsheich after one of the passengers told him there was no response from the police ‘100’ emergency operator for quite a few minutes. Finally, the phone was answered but it took over a half hour for the first police to arrive at the scene.

Maklev calls on the commissioner to probe the matter and take the necessary steps to ensure it does not occur again in the future.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. This is the result of the liberal, non-racist policy of hiring Arab drivers. I would not be at all surprised to hear the driver was complicit in this action against yidden going to the Kosel. He drove there KNOWING it would happen.

    Why else would he leave the legal route? Traffic? What does he care?

    NO ARAB should be in a position where he can put a yid in Danger and D*** Political correctness and what will the World say!

  2. #1, Mr almost Perfect,

    Isn’t there a gemora that says one should not live in a place that are run by talmidai chachamim? (since they are too busy learning they do not pay attention to the every day needs of the city???)

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