MK Glick: There Are Poskim In The World Other Than Rav Ovadia

glickEarlier in the day Deputy Finance Minister Yitzchak Cohen called for not removing the ban on MKs, who are currently prohibited from visiting Har Habayis as per a decision by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Cohen cited gedolim throughout the ages have been opposed, quoting the psak halacha from HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L .

Responding to his words was MK Yehuda Glick, known as a Har Habayis activist. Glick stated there are other poskim in the world other than Rav Ovadia.

Glick wrote “There is no place for contempt for people’s beliefs that are different from you. Indeed, Har Habayis is not Hyde Part and therefore, it is a pity that Shas politicians use Har Habayis to be politically argumentative and they are unwilling to accept piskei halacha that differ outside the world of Rav Ovadia”.

Glick added “Jews that visit Har Habayis are committed to halacha and do so based on rulings from gedolei yisrael for it is a mitzvah to visit. As the view of those banning it is legitimate, it would be worthy of Shas members to respect the opinion of others and stop trying to impose their opinion on others”.

In response to the request from Arab MKs to visit Har Habayis during Ramadan, Glick stated “The Muslims are also asking to visit in the name of ה’ אחד ושמו אחד and it is worthy that visit to actualize this lofty goal”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

16 Responses

  1. glick entered the knesset with only one agenda- to violate the har habayis.
    Is there nothing else in the Jewish State to attend to?

  2. Which “gedolei poskim” Does Glick refer to . . . He’s whole idea is to wind people up against Real ??? ????. Sheker Mr Glick can NEVER win.

  3. To 1 and 2 and to anyone who says “the gedolim say”, . By saying its assur to go to har Habayit they are essentially telling the jewish people they cannot perform 200 mitzvot in the Torah. Those are the number of mitzvot one can fulfill only on har habatit. Count them if you will. Can these Gedolim assur 200 mitzvot. Does Hashem want us to ignore his holy place and Mafkir it to the Goyim to desecrate it on a daily basis. Do we not have a responsibility to stop this ongoing חילול השם. Aside from Rav ovadiah and the tzit eliezer , who else has written a teshuvah assuring Har habayit. Not one Godol has written a response with mekorot why its assur. aside from these two. In fact, other Gedolim such as Rav Rabinovitch of Maaleh adumi yeshivah Rav Yisroel ariel of Machon Hamikdash and Rav dov Lior of Yeshivat Kiryat Arba have all written extensively on why it is 100% mutur to go up. So did Rav Goren who was the chief Rabbi of the army and of Israel. By the way, the people that do go up don’t really consider Rav Elyashiv Rav Ovadiah as their posek, so perhaps the argument is mute.

  4. Abbah –
    1. The inability to be mekayem the 200 mitzvos, is exactly why we cry and yearn for the bais hamikdash to be rebuilt, so that we can once again be mekayem all of those mitzvos.
    2. What do you mean by aside for Rav Ovadiah and the tzitz eliezer? What were they? Chopped liver?

  5. In response to Abbah, Thank you for clarifying who we are dealing with and who these ‘gedoilim’ are who permit it. With all due respect though the names you mention do not quite come near that of Reb Elyashiv z’l or Reb Ovadya z’l so how could they possibly argue with them and permit going on har habayis! Klal Yisroel always had manhigim and gedoilim accepted and respected by all of klal Yisroel. To argue with them is a big chilul hashem.

  6. #5 Abbah: you, Glick, and all the others who are so worried about mitzvos are not more pious than the gedolei Torah. This urge to trample the Har Habayis is not motivated by Yiras Shamayim. It is a rebelliousness that stems from ” a crooked and perverse generation.” דור עיקש ופתלתול) Devarim 32:5. Yes, THEY the gedolim decide what mitzvos we have to observe and which to “ignore.” It is sheer impudence to demand from a gadol baToraha a written response with mekoros why its assur. Some humility is in order here when mentioning the names of the leading sages of our times. You are going to have to accept the fact that the chareidi world does not and will not follow the opinions of the rabbis you mentioned. The movement that until a few years ago denied the very concept of gedolei Torah and da’as Torah will not lecture the chareidim now about obeying rabbonim. I’ll repeat my oft-mentioned suggetion: arrange a meeting with some of the gedolei Torah and try to persuade then that you (or your rabbis) opinions are correct. Granted, there’s not much chance of that happening, but you could try. If you succeed in changing their minds, the chareidi world will also change its opinions. Any other course is a complete waste of time.

  7. By the way, count the saintly Rav KOOK Z”L among those that outright forbid it too. I read the proclamation that he issued. Are the Zionist rabbis bigger lomdim than Rav Kook??? All of a sudden they act like אשר לא ידע את יוסף

  8. to 8 you said THEY the gedolim decide what mitzvos we have to observe and which to “ignore.” – I will never listen to anyone who tells me to ignore mitzvot in the Torah. That is completely assur and כפירה. The rambam in the 9th עיקר אמונה says the Torah never changes and the mitzvot never change. דברי הרב ודברי התלמיד דברי מי שומעין. I wonder why the Chashmonaim didn’t just say “its assur to go up to Har Habayit” and that would be that. Why wage a war fro the the Temple. Let’s sit at hope say its assur and move on in life. Wouln’t that be better than dealing with kodshim the building of the mikdash and all that. How can you call yourselves charedim when you do nothing to advance 200 mitzvot. You and your gedolim stop עם ישראל from fulfilling them. Who gave you the right??

  9. To american_yerushalmi says:

    YOU WROTE: “It is sheer impudence to demand from a gadol baToraha a written response with mekoros why its assur”.

    RESPONSE: Avravaram Ben Rambam (son of the Rambam) in his Sefer in Ein Yaakov, writes that when a Rav says something and cannot bring a proof, we dont listen even if it is Yehoshua Bin Nun and indeed the Rambam himself writes that if a member of the Sanhedrin says he does not know it is as if he does not exist (see hilchot Sanhedrin 9:2)

    TO meshugenevelt says:

    YOU WROTE: With all due respect though the names you mention do not quite come near that of Reb Elyashiv z’l or Reb Ovadya z’l

    RESPONSE: Who says? Why was Rav Elyashiv any greater or less great than say Rav Mordechai Eliyahu ztl who supported going up to Har HaBayit? Why is Rav Ovadiya ztl any greater or less great than Rav Goren ztl who supported and went up?

    There is a Halacha that we only follow the majority opinion when it is coupled with clear reasoning; furthermore Tosfot in Yevamot explains that we follow the minority if the minority is sharper in Torah than the majority.

  10. To Abbah, et al: let me know when you’ll be carrying out death sentences like stoning mechalelei Shabbos, etc. Oh, and when’s the last time you santified the New Moon (Kiddush Hachodesh)? Did you offer a korban pesach 2 months ago? For that matter, did you offer a korban olah or shlamimim today, or yesterday, or ever? Are you building Klei Hamikdash for your Levite compatriots to carry around in the Judean Desert? And make sure to absolutely insist that anyone in a position to marry his childless widowed sister-in-law (R”L) performs yibum — do not even suggest the option of chalitza….
    You all are encouraging lawlessness. The whole attitude smacks of Reform. “I’m going to do whatever I want, and if I can find some rabbi who agrees with me, great; if not, I’ll continue doing what I want anyway.”

  11. To american yerushalmi. I can see the mitzvot in the torah upset you and you are not capable of accepting Hashems 613 mitzvot. Thats ok you dont have to do them. For now no one will force you. But i was mekabel on myself on har sinai to try to be mekayam all 613 mitzvot and will do my darndest to do them. You can make fun but as the shulchan aruch says אין משגיחין למעליבין. Maybe sit down and really learn the halachot. You may be surprised what you find.

  12. #14: You are attacking me personally instead of addressing the issues I raised. You feel that I should obey the rabbis that you are listing (Rav Kook is conspicuously not in that list…). I and so many others do not agree we should listen to them. I am trying to fulfill the mitzva of ושמרת לעשות ככל אשר יורוך (Devarim 17:10), as you most likely claim you are doing. So, this matter cannot be resolved by arguing “who is a rabbi?” You do not respect my authorities, and I don’t respect yours. But, I’m still wondering why you choose to try to mekayem mitzvos related to the Mikdash, and not the other ones I mentioned, such as offering korbanos, capital punishment, yibum, etc.

  13. to abbah
    Apparently your arent too weell learned yourself there still exists a lav to go on har habayis when tamei btuma hayotzei min haguf even tumas meis is assur lfnim min hacheil mdrabanan and its a machlokos rambam and ravaad if we can know where the chail was. Going onto the har habayis anyway is only mutar ltzorech. By not going onto the har habayis we are not ignoring the desecration of it rther we are doing our part and we hope and pray hashem will do his by sending moshiach now. Rabbi Y L Diskin said that althogh he can answer all the chasam sofer’s reasons why we cant bring korbanos now, he has no answer to the problem of possibly causing ONE jew somewhere to be pained as a result. If you guys have a solution maybe share it

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