Erev Shavuos: Earn The Segulah Of The Mekubal Rav Chaim Palagi By Supporting Local Aniyim


Erev Shavuos is an extremely auspicious time to give tzedaka to provide food for the poor and needy.

The great Mekubal, Rav Chaim Palagi zt”l, promised great reward for anyone who donates $104, or any multiple of 104, to the poor on this holy day, the culmination of the days of sefirah and sheloshes yemei hagbalah. On this day, the gates of Heaven are open to accept the requests of those who care for the neediest in their midst and help ensure they are taken care of for Yom Tov.

On Friday, Erev Shavuos, you can earn this great segulah for health, livelihood, nachas, and untold Heavenly mercy by donating $104 to Tomchei Shabbos of Lakewood. All money collected will be used to help needy families buy meat for Yom Tov.

Click here to donate

May the zechus of the tzadik Rav Chaim Palagi serve as a merit for all those who take part in this worthy causes and for all of Klal Yisroel. Amen.

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