Pro-Trump Super PAC: Trump ‘Doesn’t Have The Resources’ To Self-Fund Campaign

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????A co-chairman of a pro-Trump super PAC revealed the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has the resources to self-fund the rest of his campaign.

Ed Rollins, co-chairman of the Great America super PAC, told Fox News Radio that Donald Trump’s campaign is playing “catch-up” right now.

“I think the dilemma was, he talked about self-funding his campaign, he self-funded his primary, now he certainly doesn’t have the resources, or says he doesn’t have the resources, to self-fund the rest of the way,” Rollins said. “So it’s a scramble to get the money and get the resources together. I mean, we will get there, it’s just at this particular time, we are not prepared to counter attack, at least the PAC I am involved in doesn’t have the ability to counter attack.”

On Thursday, Trump summoned allies and Republican Party heavyweights to kick off a general election fund-raising operation and push back against the notion that his late-starting cash collecting would be outgunned by Clinton’s.

Trump loved to boast during the primaries that he was self-funding his campaign — though he also did accept donations — and he poured in more than $40 million of his own money into the bare-bones campaign. The move to an expensive, national general election campaign, however, requires a far bigger operation, so the Trump campaign signed a joint-fundraising agreement with the Republican National Committee last month.

But the Trump campaign has been slow to raise money, only scheduling a few fundraisers. He had previously said he wanted to raise $1 billion for the battle against Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, but this week said he would be aiming to raise far less.


6 Responses

  1. who gets all these millions and billions of dollars?radio and tv stations and print ad people get all these millions and billions of dollars?people actually vote based on drivel
    bombarding there eyes and ears?how pathetic!also who decides
    that gen election is COMPLETELY different then primaries.sounds like hogwash to me.both times you’re trying to get votes!!

  2. His net worth may be $10b and that includes the value of his name which is estimated at $5b. So if someone would be willing to pay for his name he’d get the $5b presumably. But now that he’s not selling his name & if he was he doesn’t necessarily have a buyer so essentially that’s fake money. Of the remaining $5b even if it’s true it’s not liquid assets. So no he definitely doesn’t have a billion dollars sitting around to pour into his campaign. And we knew this all along.

  3. Re Comment no. 1: Maybe Trump wasn’t lying. Maybe he just doesn’t know his financial position, or the real cost of a presidential campaign … or maybe he doesn’t know but was lying anyway.

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