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Performer At A French Hill Event Cancelled Because He Wears A Yarmulke

7Once again a case of religious discrimination against a performer in Yerushalayim, this case by the French Hill Minhelet (local community council).

Religious residents of the Jerusalem neighborhood were surprised to learn that the performance by Shimon Gedalyah, who was to perform on Thursday evening 3 Sivan, was canceled. The official reason given “he is not suited to the crowd”, but the reason being reported is because he wears a yarmulke. Officials are adding that “there are too many male singers and it is time to bring in a female vocalist”.

According to the Kippa News report, the local community council regularly acts against the religious residents and this is the case regarding the performance of Gedalyah too, quoting minhelet official Tamir Dortal. He adds that the minhelet regularly makes sure events do not have a religious tone but she feels this case “breaks records” as a performer with a yarmulke was canceled.

He adds that despite the fact the minhelet is funded by the city government, it has been this way for years, with officials making certain events do not have a religious undertone. Tamir explains of late, there have been some logistical changes and more dati leumi residents have moved in, resulting in critics saying “the neighborhood is becoming religious”.

Tamir feels today’s reality is one of “religious exclusion”, adding he is told if they want religious content they can take it over to the other side of the road in the neighboring Ramot Eshkol neighborhood, highlighting “this neighborhood is secular”.

Tamir explains the dati leumi community in French Hill numbers 100 families in addition to 200 chareidi families. “We are taking about working chareidim, professionals, that specifically came here to live in a mixed neighborhood in a desire to live alongside one another in peace and harmony. Most of the families are young with small children and this festival speaks to them. However, they intentionally canceled it to keep us from coming, explaining it is not suited to us”.

Officials in the community council have not responded to a Kippa request to comment on the report.

YWN-ISRAEL recently reported a similar incident, when band members performing in the King David Hotel in Jerusalem were instructed to hide their yarmulkes and tzitzis because the religious symbols would be offensive to the Arab audience.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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