New Push Aims to Fix Misspelling of NYC’s Verrazano Bridge

vzbWe know it’s wrong, but we’re not changing it.

That’s the attitude of New York state officials toward a more-than-50-year-old error in the name of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge. It’s spelled with one Z but should actually be spelled with two Z’s for the Italian explorer Giovanni da Verrazzano, who discovered New York Harbor in 1524.

Despite a new petition drive by a Brooklyn college student to make things right in deference to Italian-Americans, Metropolitan Transportation Authority officials say it would simply be too expensive.

A renaming of the Triborough Bridge for Robert F. Kennedy in 2008, for example, cost $4 million.

Brooklyn college student Robert Nash calls the error a “travesty.” He has started an online petition to add the other Z to North America’s longest suspension bridge.


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