THE FACES OF EVIL: The Two Tel Aviv Terrorists; They Calmly Ordered Dessert Before Killing In Cold Blood

tYousef Jabarin of Umm al-Fahm, who works at the Max Brenner restaurant, said the two came in dressed in black suits, with white shirts and skinny ties. The two ordered a dessert called “milky brownies” and then, without touching their food, got up, pulled out their weapons and started shooting.

The terrorists were later identified by police as Palestinian relatives from the Hebron area.

4 Responses

  1. Starting Shavuout 5776 HaShem will begin eliminating terrorists everywhere! The earth will swallow them up wherever they are hiding or not hiding. The sink holes will cause a scare around the world and the nissim will begin flowing like water.

  2. Uri is right…it’s a photo of Tal Hadad and his friend, two Jewish Israeli soldiers. Rumor is they will be suing channel 2 soon for slander for wrongly showing their photo and claiming they were the terrorists. Tal says he’s afraid to walk down the street now. More details in Hebrew here:,7340,L-4813876,00.html

    I’d recommend Yeshiva World News remove it immediately.

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