Kosel Rav Responds To Rosh Chodesh Provocation By WoW

koselTuesday is Rosh Chodesh Sivan and on schedule, Women of the Wall (WoW) were on hand for their monthly tefilla at the Kosel.

Rav of the Kosel and Holy Sites Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz Shlita expressed shock after they smuggled a Sefer Torah into the ezras noshim. Rabbi Rabinowitz said “Jews over the generations gave their lives in order to maintain the sanctity and dignity of the Torah, but for the Women of the Wall, their so-called individual rights are holier for them.

“On the day Bnei Yisrael gathered כאיש אחד בלב אחד at Mount Sinai, this secularist loud group comes and distributes division and hatred. There is no greater Chilul Hashem.

“I urge Minister of Religious Services Rav David Azoulai to once and for all issue clear binding guidelines for behavior at the Kosel and to bring a halt to this fiasco that takes place every Rosh Chodesh”.

It is pointed out that the High Court of Justice have prohibited the women from bringing a Sefer Torah into the ezras noshim but permits them from doing so at the nearby egalitarian prayer area.

One of the woman who was carrying the Torah, Lesley Sachs, executive director of WoW, was detained by police.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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