Kibbutz Rav Killed In Fatal Drowning Incident R’L

mdaTragedy in northern Israel R”L as the Rav of Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv z”l was killed after a suffering a fatal drowning incident when he toiveled along the Akhziv Coast in Nahariya.

EMS and police were summoned on Monday morning 29 Iyar to Akhziv Coast in Nahariya after receiving calls for a man who drowned sea. Police pulled the unconscious man from the water and MDA personnel began resuscitation efforts. Untimely they were compelled to pronounce him dead on the scene.

The rav did not have a family. He was in his 30s. The tzibur is asked to be mispallel on behalf of Yosef Chaim ben Avraham.

Gesher HaZiv is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Situated in the Western Galil on the coastal highway between Nahariya and the Lebanese border, opposite the Akhziv National Park, it falls under the jurisdiction of Matte Asher Regional Council.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. I personally knew the rav very well. He was a tremendous tzadik and talmid chacham, he had true mesirut nefesh for am yisrael, was machzir a lot of families bitshuva and recently opened a yeshiva.
    A shocking shocking tragedy!

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