VIDEO: Good-Hearted Yidden Step In Where The State Authority Fails To Act


YWN-ISRAEL recently reported on wounded Operation Protective Edge solider Yehuda HaYisraeli. The Defense Ministry is unwilling to allocate the funds to make his home in Yishuv Ofra wheelchair accessible because of legalities surrounding the fact the IDF veteran lives in Ofra, located in the Binyamin Regional Council of the Shomron. Until the home is renovated, the young soldier cannot return to his home community because he cannot get around.

His plight was made public by his parents, who cried as they questioned why their son was not receiving the assistance he is entitled to when he has given so much of himself. He was among the large force that during Operation Protective Edge, almost two years ago, tried to get back the body of Lt. Hadar Goldin HY”D. the family does not have the means to pay for the renovations needed to permit their home to accommodate Yehuda’s new realities.

Yehuda was gravely wounded and remained in a coma for months, then improving into a less deep coma and only after a long period, began saying words and communicating with his surroundings. An uncle, Yoni, told Kol Chai host Mordechai Lavi “We thank HKBH every moment and we see the Siyata Dishmaya which is unbelievable”. Yoni says that it is not just a miracle that he survived after a third of his head was removed, but that he continues to improve to the amazement of the medical team.

Israelis heard the impassioned plea and acted, responding to a “Headstart” online fundraising on the soldier’s behalf, which yielded over NIS 1.2 million in a 24-hour period. Needless to say the family responded emotionally to the outpouring of caring and tzedaka.

The Yisrael Sheli (My Israel) organization spearheaded the effort, which sought to collect NIS 600,000. As of Sunday morning 28 Iyar, NIS 1.353 million was raised, representing 226% of the target goal.

Yoni explains that in fact, they need the entire amount but they feared if they set the goal to high, they would get nothing. He explained the way Headstart works is if one falls short of one’s goal, one gets nothing, so they decided to ask for NIS 600,000. Yoni explains the home itself has to be modified as well as the outside and a parking area must be created adjacent to a wheelchair accessible entrance.

The situation is absurd. Ofra was among the first yishuvim, built by the state of Israel but homes are still technically illegal due to bureaucratic issues and this prevents this hero soldier from receiving the state aid he is entitled to.

Yehuda HaYisraeli says thank you to all!

Mi K’Amcha Yisrael!

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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