How Can We Turn Away This Agunah (14)


An Agunah needs our help urgently to make a wedding for her oldest daughter. This is a Mitzvah of Hachnasas Kallah of the HIGHEST ORDER. Her personal plea, written in the letter below, tugs at the heartstrings:

“I am raising four children COMPLETELY BY MYSELF after my husband suddenly disappeared one night 10 years ago.

I have bitten my tongue for all these years and have not asked for support, so as not to embarrass my dear children. In the zechut of my strong and resilient children that have not complained at all as we forgo chicken each Shabbos, and joyfully wear clothing that is stitched and threadbare, I have not had to shamefully beg for assistance during our sad situation that has lasted 10 years!!!

But now, my oldest daughter has, Baruch Hashem, become engaged to an orphan who is a fine Torah scholar. They have been engaged for 13 months, BUT because of lack of money, I have been forced to push off the wedding THREE TIMES!

With no choice, I turn to you, because we just cannot push off the wedding a fourth time…”

Please help this Aguna in this most significant Mitzvah of Hachnasas Orchim. She needs our assistance urgently. There may not be a chance to push off the wedding again…

-This campaign has the approval of the Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem, Rabbi Tuvia Weiss as well as Rabbi Meir Sirota of the Eidah HaChareidis.-

Click here to learn more or donate. 


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5 Responses

  1. That entire mishpacha should only see happiness, health, simchas, and comfortable parnasa from now onwards. However, how can I find out about giving so that the new couple have food, clothing, and a roof over their heads, as well as wine and chicken for Shabbos? The halachic marriage can be completed for under $25 in a Rav’s office (as what my wife and I have done)- more importantly I want to see them have funds for life after the 5 hour affair/ wedding. So many people collect for a beautiful big wedding, but come Shabbos/Yom Tov, rent the next day- they have NOTHING for L’Kavod Shabbos. I really don’t get it

  2. Very well said. How could they support themselves when neither of them can expect parental help. Yes, she will work, he will learn & maybe teach a bit, but…

    A wedding is one day. It doesn’t have to be huge or lavish. All it needs is to be balabatishe & b’simcha. It’s what happens after Sheva Brachot; that is the bigger issue.

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