NYC Announces Rules To Implement Greenfield’s School Safety Law

gfnNew York City Councilman David G. Greenfield announced that the Department of Citywide Administrative Services has released the steps that non-public schools must take to receive funding for security guards, as well as information on what types of activities will be eligible for security guard reimbursement. This is the final step before Greenfield’s school security law can be implemented.

“Every child in our city has the right to be safe in his or her place of learning,” said Greenfield. “With the rules announced last week, there is now a clear procedure by which non-public schools can begin the process of getting security guards to protect their students. I urge the leaders of all non-public schools to begin this process today so that they can have security guards in their schools this September.”

To qualify to receive reimbursements under Greenfield’s historic school security law, a non-public school must first have at least 300 students enrolled. Non-public schools with at least 300 students can apply by taking the following steps:

1. If you do not already have one, create an account with HHS Accelerator
2. Complete HHS Accelerator’s Business & Service Applications.
3. An application to participate in the security guard reimbursement program will then be accessible through HHS Accelerator. The deadline to submit this application for the 2016-17 school year is November 1, 2016.

Once an application has been submitted, the Department of Citywide Administrative Services will review the application and make a determination. All data included with the application, including the total student enrollment at the applying school, will be verified with the New York State Education Department as reported by the school on the Basic Educational Data Systems Nonpublic Schools Report for the school year for which the school is seeking reimbursement.

Within 30 days of receiving a school’s application, DCAS will complete its review of the application and inform the school whether it is eligible to participate in the program. Schools that qualify for the reimbursement program will be required to sign a Memorandum of Understanding explaining how and for what purposes schools may request reimbursements.

Qualified schools may seek reimbursement for the cost of security services beginning on the first day of classes in the school year for which the program has been authorized, or the date of execution of its MOU, whichever is later. Schools must choose security guards from a list of qualified providers that will be published by DCAS. Schools with between 300 and 499 students will be reimbursed for the costs of one security guard; schools with 500 or more students are eligible to be reimbursed for the costs of two security guards; and an additional security guard will be authorized for every additional 500 students.

Schools will be reimbursed for security services provided during school-related instruction and school-related events, so long as such events are primarily directed at students. Schools will be required to maintain records describing the events for which reimbursement is requested.

Reimbursements will be paid to schools on a quarterly basis. If DCAS anticipates that reimbursement claims will exceed the amount of available funds for a given school year, each school will be reimbursed on an equitable basis until the funding for the reimbursement program has been exhausted. Should this be necessary, each school will be notified promptly of the situation.

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