Hikind Announces Major Victory for Human Rights Over Petersen Swimming Hours At NYC Pool

hikAssemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Brooklyn) announced on Thursday afternoon a major victory for human rights after being notified that the separate gender swimming hours program at the Metropolitan Pool and Recreation Center will not be closing. The Parks Department informed Hikind’s office that the women’s-only session will continue as is every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 9:15 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

“I’m so thrilled to learn that the Parks Department will be continuing this separate swimming hours program,” Hikind said. “It is a major victory for the people, and the community can rest much easier this Shabbos knowing that men and women can continue to swim separately.”

After being informed by several women within the community of the program’s closing earlier this week, Assemblyman Hikind called on the City and the Parks Department to be more “culturally sensitive” and accepting of cultural differences.

“I want to thank Mayor Bill de Blasio for his swift actions in resolving this issue,” Hikind said. “With the swimming schedule remaining as is, it’s imperative that we remember to accept and be sensitive to different cultures.”

Hikind added, “I also want to thank the numerous women from Williamsburg, who reached out to express their disappointment on the program’s closing. It just goes to show that it pays off to stand up and always fight for what you believe in.”

(YWN Desk – nYC)

5 Responses

  1. Though it’s certainly fun, separate swimming is not actually a human right. It’s not something we should ‘fight for’, but something we can politely request. And then be grateful when we have it.

  2. Two points not clear from the article: There are no mens’ hours, which would be nice; and it’s not free, just reasonably priced.

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