Last Chance Bonus Tickets to Israel


It’s your last chance to win! With your donation to the Oorah Auction from May 1 until May 31, you’ll be entered into a bonus last chance drawing to win free trips to Israel. That’s right- you can win up to 6 free tickets to Israel, besides for all the other great auction prizes.

With the Oorahthon and the auction drawing on June 4th, you can start dreaming. How much are your hopes worth? Can you put a price to a dream? Opportunities, potential?

It’s the dreams you don’t want to miss. The entire night, no, the days, the weeks before-hand.

When it’s time to draw the prizes– $36000 or lifetime tickets to Israel, a new luxurious shaitel or debt paid in full, you’ll want to dream. You’ll want the opportunity to imagine where you’ll travel, what you’ll do, and how your life will change. With over $300,000 worth of prizes, let your imagination run wild.

Will you have a sudden, awful realization “I’m not in”, no chance at all to win? How will you feel when the winner is chosen and about to be announced, but you can’t even allow yourself to feel the suspense, to imagine that you’ve won, because you haven’t entered?

It’s the opportunities you know you don’t want to miss.

Because it’s the dreams that matter.

The deadline’s almost here. Give yourself a chance!  Donate Now!

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