WATCH: The Kretchnif Siget Rebbe Eating Matzah ‘B’heseiba’ At His Pesach Sheni Tish

6 Responses

  1. The Chazon Ish indeed held it was a חשש בל תוסיף. I believe, however, that the Steipeler did eat matza on Pesach Sheni. Look, these minhagim weren’t made up last year. They’ve been around for a very long time. If this is your minhag, go for it. If not, don’t.

  2. the Mukatcher would eat moiror on pesach sheni as we say נהרא נהרא ופשטה, all thse traditional minhagim are to be respected.

  3. I don’t think the question of baal toisef was just on the eating of the matzah. That question has been addressed by many poskim.

    But where does the seder and heseiba come from? Was there even a din to eat the real Pesach Sheni b’heseba?

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