Important Event for Caregivers of Elderly & People with Dementia -Tomorrow Night in Khal Chasidim Hall


Tomorrow, Wednesday, June 1 at 7:15 PM; a free, informative event will take place at Khal Chasidim Hall, 4820 Fifteenth Avenue in Boro Park, which caregivers should not miss. Always eager to provide the community with tools and up to date information on dementia, Zicharon is bringing to our community a world renowned physician, Dr. Barry Reisberg. Dr Reisberg was one of the key designers in the development of Aricept, Exelon, and Namenda; the most effective dementia drugs. As Clinical Director of the NYU Aging and Dementia Center, Dr.

Reisberg will share with attendees, information on new pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical resources for dementia sufferers. Although, at this time, there is no cure for dementia, there are ways to slow down the degeneration. Dr. Reisberg’s experience in dementia research keeps him on the cutting edge of new availability of products and medications. It is a great honor to have him present to the frum community at Zicharon’s event. Since Dr. Reisberg’s time is limited, presentation will start promptly. All attendees are asked to arrive punctually.

Mr. Matt Kudish, LMSW is the Senior Vice President of Caregiver Services at CaringKind-The Heart of Alzheimer’s Caregiving. By popular request, Matt has been a frequent speaker at Zicharon events. His skill in teaching family members how to communicate with a person suffering from dementia has changed the relationships of many caregivers and the person they care for. Attendees of Zicharon’s past events have often commented on how Matt’s presentation changed their outlook and thereby eased the load of caregiving. Through simple cues and changes in behavior, one can reduce anxiety, aggression, depression, confusion and anger in a person suffering from dementia. Repetitive questions, day of the week confusion, refusal to bathe-are some of the common issues dementia caregivers deal with daily. Matt will provide the audience with the skills they need to minimize these issues and establish a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Zicharon was established to help our community navigate the challenges of living with dementia. Their goal is to bring the most up to date information to the frum community at no cost. It is with this goal in mind that Zicharon seeks the prime experts in the field of dementia to present at their events and provide caregivers with the information that is so vital to improving their daily life. There will be sponsor tables on site, with services for the elderly and infirm that caregivers may not be aware of. The hall will be open at 6:30 so that participants can meet the sponsors.

Refreshments will be served and there will be a mechitza. Admission is free and everyone is welcome.

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