Photo Essay: Yartzheit Of Rav Meir Baal Hanes In Teverya (Photos by JDN)

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3 Responses

  1. Is this photo essay an advertisement for fanatics of lubavitch who are still crowning their rebbe as “King Messiah” or of people actually going to daven by the tana R’ Meir’s grave?

  2. R.( Nehorai, Meisha,) Meir

    Many, unknowingly claim the 14th of Iyar to
    be the Yoma D’Hilulah (Yahrzeit) of the Tanna R. Meir.

    The truth is there is no Mokor anywhere for the day of
    his Petira.
    The only mention of R.Meir’s Petira is in Yerushalmi
    (Kelaim Perek 9 Hl.3)
    “R. Meir was niftar in Asia* (Chutz Laaretz) He asked
    that his body be placed on the sea being E.Y. is
    surrounded by 7 seas”. (similar to being buried
    in Eretz Yisroel)

    According to the Yerushalmi it is not even clear if his
    body ever ended up buried in E.Y.
    The first one to mention that R.Meir is buried in
    Eretz Yisroel (Teveria) is the Sefer Gelilos Ha’aretz.

    He also writes that R. Meir Ba’al Haness is buried in
    Gush Chalav and he doesn’t know who he was.

    The Sdei Chemedi** writes he asked the Rabonim
    of Teveria,”Where does it come from this new
    celebration on the 14th Iyar having a Hilulah
    for R.Meir. Even the old celebrations (Lag Baomer)
    the Ashkenazi Rabonim (Chasam Sofer,Shoel Umeishiv)
    are upset with and now we are adding a new one.”

    The Rabonim answered that the 14th of Iyar was the
    day they inaugurated the Bais Medrash on the Kever.
    and kept the date to keep on celebrating every year.
    (but not because of Yahrzeit)

    The Ben Ish Chai and R.Chaim Palagi zt”l, both
    write to light a candle for R.Meir on the 1st of Teves.

    *name of a country not continent
    ** Mareches Eretz Yisroel

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