The Dream of Jewish Unity Becomes Reality

CoreyBarMitzvahBy Yossi Wolf

All Sectors of Klal Yisroel

Within each family there are many differences of opinion. Each family has its own unique family dynamic. BJX is a family that broadens itself to incorporate many dynamics and persuasions. More importantly BJX is a Kehilah, a veritable Hakhel, that unifies and unites all types of Yidden, from heimish baalei batim, to those with absolutely no background, and every stripe in between. Rav Yitzchok Fingerer and his brother, Rabbi Moshe Fingerer, of the BJX Beis HaMidrash and Kehilah, successfully run diverse programs to inspire all sectors of Klal Yisroel. The rabbis organized Passover Sedarim for unaffiliated young professionals in Brooklyn, while simultaneously inspiring families in the Crowne Plaza, Stamford, where their shiurim were enthusiastically received.


Unique Shabbosim

At BJX, every Shabbos is extraordinary. Families from the Kehilah host unaffiliated students from the BJX educational branches and divisions. “BJX is more than a place to go to pray or study, it’s family,” explained Max Hurwitz, a student.

“It is amazing to see the students at the Shabbos meal express their immense admiration for Rabbi Fingerer, saying he is like a real father to them,” said Reb Azriel Zakheim, a beloved mentor, who often travels in from Lakewood. Each week the rabbis plan Shabbatons taking into account meals, logistics, sleeping and follow up. “Rabbis Fingerer are sweet, genuine people. They really care so much about each and every one of us,” shared Max.

soldierswithRavFingererAndMrZichermanSpecial Programs

Rabbi Moshe Fingerer recently planned a magnificent event honoring BJX students who served in the IDF. These soldiers, previously unaffiliated, served in the Tank Brigade and Special Forces.

They’re now committed members of the BJX family. Mr. Moshe Zicherman, a native Israeli, inspired a packed house with his message of love for Eretz Yisroel. Mr. Zicherman said, “I can’t stop marveling at the accomplishments of BJX. I’ve never seen anything like it. Looking at the array of Jews that come to BJX and seeing how they embrace Judaism makes me swell with pride to be a Jew.”

SchenkerBMEveryone enjoyed a delicious Shawarma and falafel buffet and salad bar. “I saw secular students asking for Yarmulkas and reciting Brachos. The energy was incredible. Where else do you see this in New York? The rabbis’ warmth towards the students made a big impression on me. The students love them,” said a mentor who popped in. One formerly unaffiliated soldier, now Shomer Shabbos, runs a company in Manhattan. He brought his unaffiliated family visiting from Israel to the program.

“It’s crazy but each week I pack up my bags and leave Manhattan to spend Shabbat in BJX. I love this Kehilah,” he said. One of the reasons why people are willing to walk long distances to daven in the BJX Beis HaMidrash is because of the enthusiastic davening, the lack of talking and the constant positive energy that permeates the Beis Midrash. “BJX is not only a Mecca for the unaffiliated, but also for those who are frum,” exclaimed Ezriel Rovt. “The davening at BJX is really amazing. It’s for anyone wishing to increase his kavanah and get an injection of inspiration and spirituality. Through the beautiful musical davening, you really feel that this is a place in which all Jews are accepted and a feeling of achdus pervades the shul,” said Reb Azriel Zakheim.

The Shabbos tefillos led by renowned Chazan Yossi Kessner and acappella, as well as the Rov, and other accomplished baalei Tefillah, are absolutely surreal. Baalei Batim from Chasidish, Yeshivish and mod- ern backgrounds call the Beis Medrash their home.

“The Rov’s shiurim address Halachic and Hashkafic issues that challenge us to grow and expand our horizons,” said Yosef.

This week, Allison announced that she was going to affix a Mezuzah on her home. A special ceremony was conducted. She was feted by the rabbis and students in celebration of this milestone. At BJX one witnesses a true spiritual ripple effect. “BJX has helped me tremendously grow as a Jew. I don’t know where I would be today without them,” said Josh. Max reflected, “BJX helped me down the path to become the person I was put in this world to be.”

irExpanding Community Programs

In an effort to prevent the off-the-derech phenomenon, BJX initiated a community-wide Pirchei for boys with a simultaneous Pirkei Avos shiur for fathers. They saw an overflow crowd this Shabbos.

Fathers thoroughly enjoyed the Rov’s enthralling shiur while boys enjoyed a fantastic Pirchei with prizes, nosh, stories and learning under the devoted supervision of Rabbi Dovid Berk. “We want to provide boys with positive Yiddishe experiences in a wholesome environment. Yiddishkeit needs to be happy and joyous,” explained Rav Yitzchok Fingerer.

Another Typical Shabbos

Eddie, from Sheepshead Bay, experienced his first Shabbos. “I was privileged to coordinate Eddie’s first Pesach Seder. The next step was for him to join a Shabbaton, ” said Rabbi Fingerer. “My grandmother spent her Friday nights running from the Nazis who tried to kill her. I feel so emotional and grateful to be at my first loving and beautiful Shabbos meal and not having to deal with the things my grandmother dealt with,” Eddie shared at the Shabbaton dinner, hosted by Dr. Faygie Zakheim. Dr. Faygie is known as the BJX Mom and is a super dedicated partner of the rabbis. Eddie never received a Jewish name and was eager to finally have one. “There was a special event this past Shabbos morning in the BJX Beis Medrash,” said Reb Azi. “Although we ended the Friday night meal close to 1am, Eddie came to shul Shabbos morning to receive his new Jewish name, Shlomo,” enthused Dr. Faygie. “Watching Eddie receive his Jewish name, encircled by people singing and dancing with him was such an uplifting scene,” said Reb Azi Zakheim. Eddie and other students then had a delightful seudah celebration at the home of dedicated BJX members, Mordechai and Avigayil Jaffa.

A Kehilah for All Types of Yidden

Mark, an unaffiliated Flatbush professional, who joined the Shabbaton, talked about his love for his new found “family.” He never really felt connected to his fellow Jews before. “He felt that he could connect on a deep level with everyone at the table,” said Dr. Faygie. “We’ve watched BJX grow into a real community of growing, intelligent, and caring individuals who join together under the loving and wise leadership of, morah d’asra, Rabbi Yitzchok Fingerer,” explained Reb Azi. “BJX is a spiritual body shop where souls are entirely transformed,” exclaimed Mr. Rovt. The rabbis and Chairman Moshe Caller are constantly working on important initiatives to enhance the community. BJX a Kehilah unlike any other, is open each day for shiurim and inspiration. The BJX helpline (646-397-1544) has helped numerous people coping with challenges. In addition to offering chizuk for frum people through their community seminars, videos and CDs, they run a variety of educational programs for secular collegiate and YJPs, work with kids-at-risk, have a new division for public high schools, encourage disconnected Chasidim to transition back to Yiddishkeit, and have a Beis Medrash where Torah, Tefillah and Ahavas Yisroel come to life. The BJX organization is a conglomerate of so much. Indeed, BJX is a rare Kehilah.

One Response

  1. Awesome….it seems this model is very closely tied to the Fingerers and replicating it elsewhere would require cloning them.

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