More On Beating Of Chareidi Male In Beit Shemesh

1YWN-ISRAEL reported on the chareidi male who is seen taking a severe beating by an Israeli policeman. We will call the victim David (not his name), who is 27-years-old. The incident seen on the video took place in Beit Shemesh as was reported, two weeks ago on Monday, 1 Iyar 5776.

David spoke with Kol Chai Radio’s Mordechai Lavi on Monday, 15 Iyar, telling his story. The following is a synopsis of his statements to Lavi.

I want to explain that for me, I am not looking for monetary compensation but I am looking to have the policeman removed from his post. He is not worthy of serving on the police force. I tried to have the video publicized but the secular media person I contacted told me it is not newsworthy. A friend of mine got it published and it made the rounds and now an investigation is taking place. The actions of the officer, which caused me great physical pain, are not the main issue but his foul language, cursing and persistent insults. His language is unforgiveable. He is not worthy to serve as a policeman.

This occurred two weeks ago, on Monday. I received a phone call [while driving] and got pulled over as a result [of using my phone while driving]. I asked the officer if he could show mercy, explaining I have just moved and a NIS 1,000 summons is really more than I can handle right now. He told me I shouldn’t waste my time and I realized I was going to get a summons. I continued asking for mercy, but clearly he was not going to exhibit any.

When he handed me the summons I said ‘HKBH will pay you’ and then he went ballistic. As seen in the video I was subjected to foul language, unforgivable insults and then the physical punishment. He was out of control- knocking me to the ground, punching and shouting without letting up.

He claims that I called him ‘Nazi’ and the like in an effort to justify his actions. I ask, even if I did, does that justify this behavior. More than this. I am not Neturei Karta and I do not use foul language and would never call anyone a ‘Nazi’, simple as that. There is no truth to his claims regarding my language towards him. At one point he even pulled his weapon at me!

I saw real hate in his eyes and have since learned there was an earlier incident when he was documented hurling rocks at chareidim. He simply has to go for one such as this policeman cannot serve as a policeman!

Why did they have to place me in handcuffs and shackles. I was treated like the last of the most dangerous criminals in the nation being taken into custody. There is no justification for the way I was treated and abused.

When police were contacted to comment, a department spokesman confirmed the matter is now being investigated by the Justice Minister police investigations unit.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

20 Responses

  1. This police officer and many others like him are not worthy of being on a police force. they are chareidi haters and anti-semites. they should receive the same punishment that they have caused to this young man. It’s Despicable to watch how he tortured this young man not only is he justified to be called a Nazi for he acted like a Nazi Israel be ashamed of yourselves to have such a police officer

  2. While i dont condone what the officer did, this poor little David is an immature hypocrite he says he would never use foul language but then says that he cursed the office that Hashem will pay him for this. was the officer full of hate? maybe did the officer have a really long hard few weeks because someone in his family is really ill and being stressed out now hears someone say he should be cursed by hashem? maybe theres two sides to every story luckily this one is not as clear cut as mr. nebach would like us to believe

  3. This story sound very different than the 3rd hand info that a commentator felt obligated to give over without investigating the legitimacy of her version of the story.

  4. What a ridiculous claim. This man was caught using his phone while driving, an action which is more than 8x more likely to result in an accident than drunk driving! I know people who lost their lives due to being hit by drivers on their phone. This man is so in the wrong and undeserving of any mercy. Aside from that, he probably did shout at the cop and refer to him as a Nazi or something similar (as is done often in certain communities). This man’s selfishness, lack of respect for law and police is disgusting. That said, this officer should be removed from his post at once for his extreme and undeserving response.

  5. Man with big mouth meets man with hair trigger temper and violent impulses. Welcome to our lovely country. Welcome home.

  6. If it turns out that “David” is correct and the police officer was involved in the previous incident then he clearly should be fired and punished.

    On the other hand, “David” had no business answering his phone while driving and posing risk to himself or others. Nothing is that important that he couldn’t have taken a few seconds to pull over or call the person back in a minute. Also, besides breaking the law, talking while driving is likely a chilul Hashem if secular people would see a frum yid doing it. He deserved the fine and had he kept his mouth shut and not cursed a fellow Jew (not only an aveira but a chilul Hashem)this would not have happened. (Not that he deserved more than the fine!)

    Also by the fact he cursed him shows his lack of acceptance of guilt. As if the police officer did wrong by giving him the fine he deserved. Apparently the police office realized that “David” would not learn his lesson through the steep fine so wrongly took the law into his own hands.

    Perhaps Hashem orchestrated this busha berabbim as one who is embarrassed in public is considered as if he died, a requirement to be cleared of a chilul Hashem. So David should see the positive in this event.

  7. That police man acted like a complete animal with no regard for the young man. He is a disgrace to the police badge and should be dismissed and jailed for assault and greevios bodily harm

    His excuses are as lame as he is.

  8. I don’t care If the police officer had a bad day or a bad week. i don’t care if “david” was talking while driving. this is a case of police brutality and overabuse of authority. he should be fired.

  9. Israeli cops are extremely unprofessional these kinds of stuff happen daily, unfortunately nothing can be done to stop this kind behavior since the top officials act the same. Just saying.

  10. #13. You are somewhat correct. I would say the WHOLE country ( with minor exceptions) is unprofessional and out of control. Ein Ma Lasot. Even though Education begins at home and try as we might we get sucked right back in and nothing changes . Life goes on. What a shame – a Light to the nations. Ha!!

  11. I highly doubt there is a lack of American police officers who would react differently after being cursed and called a Nazi. In addition, the Israeli police officer was venting his frustration over the mistreatment he’s likely had from so many calling themselves Chareidim who scream “Nazis” and act like chayos ’cause they are looking for entertainment.

    I’m not saying the police officer was right for beating up this driver, but I’m not going to stick up for a person who acts so despicable, either.

  12. Dear Mr. Policeman,

    I have nothing more to say then you made a large error. Please apologize to David. If you do I bless you for a successful career. If you do not the opposite will occur. I will begin to pray for these two options. There is no way out, either you offer apologies or you can Shalom to your job.


    Big A

  13. Dear Mr. Policeman,

    I have nothing more to say then you made a large error. Please apologize to David. If you do I bless you for a successful career. If you do not the opposite will occur. I will begin to pray for these two options. There is no way out, either you offer apologies or you can say Shalom to your job.


    Big A

  14. Wow. How sad is all these people commenting on how wrong the driver was and how guilty he is of calling the officer a nasty and how despicable the charedim are. How you judge you should be judge. This guy should have not been on the phone of if that’s the law there. And the police officer should have not beat him even if he did curse him. If he was indeed disrespectful I’m sure there are laws top deal with that. Take him in for questioning and charge him. No reason to beat some one up. Imho this is a problem with police and Israeli ego. We saw it when an officer beat up a soldier last year and in tel Aviv with the batting of the arab.

  15. I understand his statement that Hashem would pay the police officer as literal – the subject was money and Hashem would provide the officer with his livelihood.

  16. I know of a story where an Israeli cop ticketed a car parked illegally and when the driver came and saw what just happened he started Screaming and Cursing the Cop to the point that the poor guy just started crying. Very unfortunate society, we need Moshiach!

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