Chareidi Students Threaten To Leave Colleges And Universities If Mandatory Mixed Classrooms Is Imposed

1Chareidim in Israel’s institutions of higher education have already announced in the Council for Higher Education moves ahead with its plan compelling mixed classes, they will all immediately walk out of schools and not return. The chareidi academic tzibur has made it clear, it will not tolerate a situation that they and their rabbonim view as being contrary to halacha.

Many are pointing out the absurdity of the situation in which they attend programs tailored to chareidi students but it appears the Council of Higher of Education is unwilling to tolerate a halachically acceptable setting in institutions of higher education and chareidim advancing academically and now wishes to insist on mixed classrooms, a non-starter for the chareidi community.

Ironically, many schools are obviously opposed to the council’s plan, for clearly thousands and thousands of students will abandon their studies, leaving schools in a financially untenable situation.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

18 Responses

  1. No mechitza is required for non Torah studies. To not allow women into a secular classroom is purely a chumra and not halacha.

  2. To #2

    Agreed, but there is a trend within the Chareidi tzibur to elevate chumra over halacha on multiple issues and they will not miss an opportunity to trigger a machlokes with the government in the name of pursuing their agenda. Many years ago, Rav Moshe, Z’TL, opined that is was ok for mixed seating in work-related venues including public transportation, offices, auditoriums and by extension, secular classrooms where one is being trained for a parnassah. The Chareidim are free to establish their own gender separated colleges and universities.

  3. More broadly, the government is on a slippery slope when they agree to gender separation in certain venues but not others. If classrooms, why not buses and trains or public streets as in Meah Sheaarim?? There is no principled line of demarcation as to when gender separation must be imposed in public venues when there is no davening or torah learning taking place. This is a complex issue for a secular state whose chareidi population will soon be a majority.

  4. “The chareidi academic tzibur has made it clear, it will not tolerate a situation that they and their rabbonim view as being contrary to halacha.”

    Just wondering- Are “they and their rabbonim” refraining from travelling on mixed planes to collect money in chutz l’aretz?

  5. 2, and 3. Typically blame the haredim. Have you ever been in a mixed setting academically? I grew up going to mixed classes throughout grade school and college. Then I went to yeshiva. The experience was much different and more beneficial to my learning when I was around only men. Then I went to law school again with mixed seating. The difference is palpable.

    Furthermore Rav Moshe Feinstein said it was assur to cause a machlokes that was unnecessary.

    In addition you are missing the point.

    these programs are geared toward charedim and the schools want these programs. the government is the one causing machlokes.

    But maybe if you did something with your lives instead of trolling blocks to hate on haredim you wouldnt be so close minded and ignorant.

  6. All these comments are ridiculous. It may be mutar but its obviously better to have it seperate. And they plane to chutz laaretz comment is irrelevant and stupid beyond words.

  7. 6,

    I didn’t blame the chareidim for anything. I just pointed out that halachiicly it is not necessary to have separate classrooms. Whatever chumras people have they can accept the consequences of following them if they so desire. Imposing these chumras on the public at large is an avla and should not be done.

    The non chassidish olam is also chareidi and do not need to accept unnecessary chumros. I attended higher secular education in mixed classrooms and suffered no ill effects. Kol hamosif gorea.

    Kol machlokes shehu lesheim shomaim sofo lehiskayeim

    Your unnecessary demeaning comments just reduce the value of your misdirected comments.

  8. tzoorba,

    you are the one that is misdirected…

    “Imposing these chumras on the public at large is an avla and should not be done.”

    they are not imposing their chumras on the public the govt is trying to impose their values on programs that are geared specifically for the attention or don’t comment

  9. 10,

    Chareidim need not expect these non halachic accommodations if they engage in secular higher education courses. Read the article where it says that some find this contrary to halacha. By demanding these restrictions they may prevent women or men from attending these courses that are necessary for parnassa. The government may not have the funding to support classes for a minimal number of students. These requirements shouldn’t be called Chareidi because they don’t conform to halacha.

  10. “the government should not impose its social values on private schools.”

    If the government is footing the bill it has every right to do so.

    “What is preventing the students from choosing seats on opposite sides of the classroom?”

    Great point!

  11. The only option may be to attend Moslem schools. The government wouldn’t dare be culturally insensitive and force them to have mixed classes.

  12. tzoorba,

    yes you did blame the chareidim
    2. tere is a halacha of teruvos- check with your lor
    3. your making a lot of assumptions with no facts
    4. there is n evidence they are imposing the chumras on anyone but themselves.
    5. clearly you suffered from mixed classrooms because you can’t seem to understand the many fallacies in your arguments

  13. Chazal say “כל מקום שאתה מוציא גדר ערוה אתה מוציא קדושה” –

    go tell that to the modox. they are not goires that rashi

  14. Tzoorba if you would ask any daas Torah if you had a choice between going to a mixed grad school or seperate i guarantee theyd say go seperate even if it means paying more money.

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