PHOTOS: Fire In Yeshiva Dvar Yerushalayim In Har Nof



A fire broke out in Yeshivas Dvar Yerushalayim in the Har Nof section of Yerushalayim on Sunday evening 15 Iyar. B’chasdei Hashem the response from the Jerusalem Fire Service was swift and firefighters were able to rescue tefilin and other tashmishei kedusha from the burning structure. B’chasdei Hashem the actions if firemen led to minimum damage to the tashmishei kedusha.

The blaze, which broke out on the third floor of the yeshiva, was accompanied by heavy smoke conditions. The heavy smoke made the job of combing the building for anyone trapped inside significantly more difficult.

No injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

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(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Jerusalem Fire Service Spokesman)

One Response

  1. When the yeshiva was built, the contractor did not put in a fire alarm or sprinkler system on any of the 4 floors of the building.
    There is a separately run yeshiva ketana (no connection with Dvar Yerushalayim) operating out of the 3rd & 4th floors.
    The room where the fire took place was on the upper most floor and it had been constructed by the students not a kablan (contractor) so this structure had not been approved by any building authority.

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