Hillary Clinton Says She Welcomes Mark Cuban’s Interest In Talking About The Vice Presidency

1Hillary Clinton says she welcomes businessman and Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban’s interest in potentially becoming her vice presidential running mate.

In an interview that aired on Sunday, Clinton opened the door wide open to Cuban and other businesspeople, who could serve to counter the likely Republican nominee, business mogul Donald Trump

“I think we should look widely and broadly. It’s not just people in elective office. It is successful businesspeople,” Clinton told NBC News’s Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press.” “I am very interested in that.”

“And I appreciate his openness to it,” she added of Cuban’s comments.

In a portion of an interview with Todd that was released on Friday, Cuban said that he would “absolutely” be willing to meet with Clinton about becoming a potential vice presidential pick, but he noted that he had some concerns that she might have shifted too far to the left during the Democratic primary race against Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“The key would be she would have to go more to center,” Cuban said. “I like the fact that Sen. Clinton has thought out proposals. That’s a good thing because at least we get to see where she stands.”

“But I think Sen. Sanders has dragged her a little bit too far to the left,” he added.

In the NBC interview, Clinton added that she is willing to consider candidates who have not served in elected office.

“I am absolutely intending to look far and wide,” Clinton said. “And I think that is the best way to find somebody who can really capture what’s needed in the country, and businesspeople have, especially successful businesspeople who are really successful as opposed to pretend successful, I think have a lot to offer.”

(c) 2016, The Washington Post · Abby Phillip

3 Responses

  1. Cuban is more likely a fit for Trump.

    A capitalist who is famous for beating the SEC on inside trading, is big on sport and like Ayn Rand is hardly going to go over well with a Democratic party that appears to be 50% in favor of old style Marxism (anti-business, hyper-PC, anti-invididual rights).

  2. Did anyone know that Mark Cuban is not Cuban at all but Jewish!!! Romanian grandparents on the mother’s side, Russian grandparents on the father’s side!

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