Livni Calls To Form A Leftist/Centrist Bloc In Knesset

knesMK (Machane Tzioni) Tzipi Livni is calling for the formation of a leftist-centrist bloc in Knesset to “protect joint interests” as she puts it. Livni is among the leading critics of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s policies and has spoken out harshly following the resignation of Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, accusing the government of becoming increasingly extremist.

Speaking with Reshet Bet Radio on Sunday morning, she stated the split in the left-wing and centrist camps is preventing unseating the coalition, which she views as an urgent priority. She stated she discussed her initiative with party leader MK Yitzchak Herzog, quoting him as saying he too is on board.

She feels Israel is in the midst of a “values crisis”, adding “anyone who feels democracy is dear to him will have to join in”. She told Reshet Bet that she fears a coalition including both Naftali Bennett and Avigdor Lieberman will serious compromise some of the nation’s most precious values.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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