Glick Shares A Bit Of His Views Before Entering Knesset

ISRAEL-PALESTINIAN-ATTACK-YEHUDA GLICKYehuda Glick is the newest Likud MK, who will be entering to replace Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, who submitted his resignation from the Knesset and cabinet last week.

Glick on Sunday morning 14 Iyar spoke with Kol Chai Radio’s Moti Lavi, sharing some of his hashkafa hours before entering Knesset.


Your image for many is one of extremism. Is this who you really are? Please share some thoughts with us towards permitting us to become acquainted with the real Yehuda Glick.


Yes, indeed I am an extremist pertaining to certain issues, including human rights for all as well as religious freedom.


Does this include Palestinians?


They are human beings too. Yes, including them and all others. I am against the use of administrative detention with the exception of a few extreme case for both Jews and Arabs. At present, the administrative detention is overused and abused in Israel.


What is your position pertaining to the induction of chareidim, bnei yeshivos into the IDF?


I have two sons serving in the IDF…I believe we should all contribute to society and there are those involved in limud Torah. We should make an effort to increase the civilian service programs for those chareidim not really learning but the bottom line is to give a chizuk to lomdei Torah.


What about the Reform Movement, which has recently made significant advances?


The Reform have rights like all other persons and there are human beings and the Chief Rabbis of Israel should meet with them. In Israel the movement represents a very small number of individuals. I do not think a Reform rabbi should serve as an appointed rav of a city for example. However, I do not agree with placing them in cherem. As religious Jews we are compelled to act in a certain fashion towards bringing others closer and cherem does not achieve this.


What about a couple on a southern kibbutz that wishes to get married with a Reform rabbi for example?


I think we have reached a place that is not where we should be. Halacha says we do not need a rav at all for a marriage rather recitation of ‘Harei At Mekudeshes Li…’ and witnesses. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel should release regulations pertaining to how a chupah must be conducted and this does not include a rav, and persons can then be married as they wish and a rav is unnecessary.

Moti, I am sorry but I did not prepare for such a lengthy interview and have to go. I would like to thank everyone and I daven to HKBH that I will be a worthy shaliach.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. I think we have reached a place that is not where we should be. Halacha says we do not need a rav at all for a marriage rather recitation of ‘Harei At Mekudeshes Li…’ and witnesses. The Chief Rabbinate of Israel should release regulations pertaining to how a chupah must be conducted and this does not include a rav, and persons can then be married as they wish and a rav is unnecessary.

    Right, but through that mamzer us will become rampant, hence the need for rabbanim

  2. a person cannot be a mesader kiddushin unless he is expert in the halachos of gittin and kiddushin. how can he say they should start performing marriages without a rav? that is just asking for an increase in mamzerim!

  3. He is the cause of all the current stabbings and attacks. The Palestinians say openly that they are reacting to the entry into makom hamikdash which is an issur Kares. All this fellows hashkafos are krum and a chillul Hashem.

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