Meir Porush Agrees To Resign From Knesset To End Yahadut Hatorah Machlokes

porDeputy Education Minister Meir Porush has finally agreed to resign from Knesset to permit Yaakov Asher to enter Knesset. While Porush will no longer be a MK he will continue serving as a Deputy Minister since the latter is not dependent on the former. This permits the Degel faction of Yahadut Hatorah bring in a third representative, bringing an end to rising tensions between the litvish and chassidish factions of the party.

Porush last week reportedly visited with a number of admorim from the Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael who gave their bracha for the move, which is hoped will lower tensions within the party.

In return for clearing the way for Asher to enter Knesset, Degel Hatorah has agreed to give significant authority of Chinuch Atzmai to the representative from Porush’s Shlomei Emunim faction, hopefully bringing an end to that long-standing machlokes too.

Porush officially submitted his resignation from Knesset on Sunday, 14 Iyar. The resignation takes effect in 48 hours.

por1(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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