Gafne And Maklev Meet With Rav Shteinman Ahead Of Deal With Lieberman

1MKs Moshe Gafne and Uri Maklev on Wednesday evening 10 Iyar met with HaGaon HaRav Aharon Yehuda Leib Shteinman Shlita to consult with the Rosh Yeshiva ahead of a deal with Yisrael Beitenu party leader Avigdor Lieberman. The Rosh Yeshiva is quoted telling them they may only support Lieberman’s entry into the coalition if it does not harm Yiddishkheit.

Lieberman during his tenure in opposition in the 20th Knesset has been a constant audible anti-chareidi voice however persons close to him insist this is not so. They explain that in fact, most of Lieberman’s friends are frum and anyone who knows this can confirm it. They explain Lieberman is aware his voting base comes from the Russian Jewish community and this compels him to speak as he does but in essence, this is not who he is.

It is added that with a deal to appoint Lieberman Defense Minister on the horizon, it is theorized that he has compromised on many issues for if not, PM Netanyahu is aware the chareidi parties would veto the deal. This would include demands by Lieberman to invalidate the amended draft law and other issues pertaining to civil marriage R”L and more.

At present PM Netanyahu has kept his cards close to the vest and has not revealed the details of an agreement. Once this occurs the chareidim will have to determine if the document is indeed acceptable to the chareidi community.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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