PHOTOS: Levaya Underway In Williamsburg For Miami Drowning Victim Reb Yitzchok Rosenberg Z’L; Rosh Hakahal In Satmar

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6 Responses

  1. Thank you. I never knew your name.
    Yesterday a tragedy befell upon klal yisroel. A group of Satmar Chasidim were swimming in the ocean at Miami Beach and were caught up in a rip tide and swept out to sea. Two of these Jews died. I have been meaning to call one of them for over ten years to say thank you. I never knew his name until I read it today in an article about the Miami tragedy on the Yeshiva World website today.
    Several years ago, my vehicle broke down in the middle lane of 3rd Avenue in Sunset Park Brooklyn, a distinctly non Jewish area. I opened the hood, and yes the motor was still there. Clad in my then black beard and equally black yarmulke, I was standing a few moments only when an older “wasp” appearing woman stopped her vehicle behind mine and ordered me to get back into my car. She then tapped my vehicle with her car and motioned for me to proceed. After reaching a safe place to park, I asked her why she stopped. She answered with following anecdote. Her husband had recently died of pancreatic cancer and his boss at Boro Park Lumber took unbelievable care of him and his family during his illness and after he died. She saw that I was an Orthodox Jew and she wanted to do something kind for and orthodox Jew as a repayment for the kindness shown by her husband’s boss, the owner of Boro Park Lumber.
    The article I read today identified one of the niftir at the Miami Tragedy as Rabbi Yitzchok Rosenberg, a prominent member of the Satmar community, “Rosh HaKahal of Satamar Kehilah ….and owner of Boro Park Lumber.” AMAZING, after ten years I finally know your name. Thank you, thank you, thank you Yitzchok haTzadik, for your chesed and kiddish haShem that powered a Christian woman to return your chesed to me. You were a meilitz tov in life and should continue to be Meiltiz yashar In the Yeshiva shel MaAlah, where I know you will be at the dais with the likes of Moshe Rabeinu, Yosef haTzadik, Shimon haTzadik and the best of our Tzadikim.
    This week’s parsha is Emor. The parsha opens by admonishing the kohanim not to be near the dead. For this reason, Rabbi Rosenberg, I will not be able to be in the building of your levaya. As Hashkucha Pratis would have it, I currently work only a few blocks from where hespidim will be given at your funeral. The parsha goes on to say that the kohanim are responsible for making the name of the Boreh Olam holy.

    Thank you Rabbi Rosenberg for teaching me how to do Kiddush HaShem. I am looking forward to hearing the hespidim at the levaya today.

    Arnold Berlin, MD FACP
    Avraham ben David HaKohen

  2. A reply to talmidchochom: Satmar rebbe was at the levaya that took place in kiryas yoel after the ine in williamsburg and was maspid as well.

  3. BDE

    TESHUVA is the ONLY solution to stop the tzaros in klal yisroel. YOU decide together as a nation WHEN you’re ready. Until then there’s no one to blame or to be surprised at but OURSELVES (myself included)

    may their neshamos have an aliya

    may their families have a nechama

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