Anonymous Donor Places Centerfold AD Displaying over 140 Causes for the Current Shidduch Challenge

CaptureThe following was displayed prominently in Yated, Hamodia, and Flatbush Jewish Journal. It was sponsored by anonymous and dedicated to parents that think out of the box.

77 reasons You didn’t allow your daughter to go out with HIM :

1)     Wears  wrong type of hat

2)     Wrong type of yarmulke

3)     Yarmulke too big

4)     Yarmulke too small

5)     Car is not leased

6)     Drives his parents car

7)     Doesn’t daven in the right shul

8)     Davens too quickly

9)     Davens too slowly

10) Went to the wrong Yeshiva

11) Not yeshivish enough

12) Too yeshivish

13) Didn’t learn in Israel

14) Learned too long in Israel

15)  Went to college

16)  Didn’t go to college

17)  Went to the wrong type of college

18)  No  family “yichus”

19)  Too much family “yichus”

20)  Wrong type of friends

21)   Doesn’t have friends

22)  Wears colored socks

23)  Wears white socks

24)  Wears no socks

25)  Too litvish

26)  Not “heimish” enough

27)  Too chasiddish

28)  Wears a gartel

29)  Doesn’t wear a gartel

30) Gartel is too thick

31)  Parents too “schmaltzy”

32)  Parents not “schmaltzy” enough

33) Wont do FLOP

34)  Will only do FLOP

35)  Doesn’t know what FLOP is

36) Too tall

37) Too short

38)  Not good looking enough

39)  Too good looking

40)  Listens to English music.

41)  Doesn’t listen to English music.

42)  Is Tone deaf

43)  Eats pizza with a fork and knife.

44)  Doesn’t eat pizza with a fork and knife.

45)  Doesn’t know how to use a fork and knife

46)  Went to the wrong camp

47)  Wasn’t color war general

48) Was losing color war general

49)  Family uses china during the week

50)  Family uses paper goods On shabbos. (GASP!)

51)  Parents don’t have winterized summer home in catskills

52)  Parents don’t have summer home in monsey.

53)  Mother works full time

54)  Mother doesnt work

55)  Wants to learn in Kollel

56) Doesn’t want to learn in kollel

57) Parents have no money

58) Parents have too much money

59) Parents think they have money

60) Wears the wrong type of watch

61) Doesn’t wear a watch

62) Wears a watch on shabbos

63) Cant tell time

64) Wears his tzitzis out

65) Wears his tzitzis in

66) Wears blue strings on tzitzis

67) Wears thick glasses

68) Doesnt wear glasses

69) Glasses frames are too stylish

70) Squints when he learns

71) Has a beard

72) Has no beard

73) Has a trimmed beard

74) Cant grow a beard

75) Parents are divorced

76) Sibling is divorced

77) Has older unmarried sibling


72 Reasons you didn’t allow your Son to go out with HER:

1)     Too tall

2)     Too short

3)     Not pretty enough

4)     Too pretty

5)     Too thin

6)     Went to wrong school

7)     Family not yeshivish enough

8)     Family too yeshivish

9)     Father wears wrong type of Hat

10)  Siblings wear wrong type of Yarmulke

11)   Didn’t go to Israel

12)  Went to the wrong Seminary

13)  Didn’t go to Seminary

14)  Went to college

15)  Didn’t go to college

16)  you wanna marry a speech therapist?

17)  No family Yichus

18)  Too much family Yichus

19)  Wrong type of friends

20)  Not enough friends.

21) Not Litvish

22)  Too litvish

23) Not heimish

24) Too heimish

25) Not  chasidish

26)  Too Chasidish

27)  Parents  too schmaltzy

28)  Parents not schmaltzy enough

29) Parents have no money

30) Parents have too much money

31) Parents not willing to support

32)  Listens to English music.

33)  Doesn’t listen to English music.

34)  Eats pizza in a pizza shop.

35)  Wouldn’t step foot into a pizza shop.

36)  Wont eat pizza

37)  Didn’t go to camp

38)  Went to the wrong camp.

39)  Wants a kollel boy

40)  Wants a learning boy

41)  Wants a working/learning/kollel boy

42)  Wants a hat wearer

43)  Doesnt want a hat wearer

44)  Wants a straw hat wearer

45)  Doesnt know the difference between Borsalino and Stetson

46)  Not Tzniusdik enough

47)  Too Tzniusdik

48)  Wears colorful clothes

49)  Clothes are too drabby

50) skirts too long

51) skirts too short

52)  Wears no makeup

53)  Wears too much makeup

54) wants to wear a fall

55) wont wear a fall

56) will only wear a fall in the fall

57) Goes to shul on shabbos

58)  Doesnt go to shul on shabbos.

59)  Talks too much

60)  Doesn’t talk enough

61)  Not “outgoing”

62)  Too “outgoing”

63)  Too many siblings

64)  Not enough siblings

65) Has unmarried siblings

66) Parents are divorced

67) Parents should be divorced

68) Wears expensive jewelry

69) Wears inexpensive jewelry

70) Wears no jewelry

71)  Wants a 3 carrot Kalah ring

72) Only eats 3 carrots a day (see “too thin”)


15 Responses

  1. question does English music mean goyish music then it’s a problem. also wearing a skirt too short or not proper friends is also a serious issue the rest on the list is good b’h the donor has money too spend

  2. Some of these are legitamate hashgafa reasons. Does the writer think that EVERYone should go out with everyone that is trugged uhn? I don’t think so. That is an incredible waste of everyone’s times.

  3. I thought this ad made an important point pretty clearly, but sadly the innuendo was a bit above much of the readership…
    Here’s what the ad meant:
    1)Don’t sweat the small stuff
    2)True, your big stuff might be someone’s small stuff and you’re right for your family. But still, there’s plenty of small stuff that people are turning into mountains.

  4. On one hand, we complain when people apply too many restrictions in matchmaking, but on the other hand many of these takanos come from respected haredi poskim. So which is it? Do we rule out the boy who wears thin-framed eyeglasses or follow the takana of the Skver hasidim? Do we rule out the woman who drives a car or follow the takana of the Satmar hasidim? Should we still follow these takanos or ask our mara d’asra first before blindly depriving our child of his or her zivug?

  5. What about:

    When clearing table do they stack the plates or carry separately?

    Do they use a white tablecloth on shabbos?

    Do they served salmon or gefilte fish?

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