Israel: An Initiative For An American Weekend Once Monthly

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA bill initiated by MKs Eli Cohen (Kulanu) and David Amsellem (Likud) calls for one long weekend monthly, a weekend that includes both Shabbos and Sunday. MK (Yesh Atid) Dr. Aliza Lavie praises the initiative which she feels brings a measure of equality to the shomer Shabbos tzibur but explains before moving ahead with the bill, Shabbos must first be defined under the law.

Lavie explains the current status demands clarification as to who is permitted not to work on Shabbos. Dr. Lavie explains that currently, if an employer wants an employee to work he has to declare he is shomer Shabbos to get off. She insists this is a golden and necessary opportunity to clarify the status of Shabbos under the law and to clearly define the rights and responsibilities of employees.

MK )Bayit Yehudi) Nissim Slomiansky, Chairman of the Knesset Law Committee, stated in the merit of this initiative the religious tzibur would have “additional leisure time and enjoy our land by traveling around and spending quality time with the children other than on Shabbos. One who has not had sufficient time to study Torah on Shabbos may also do so then”.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

4 Responses

  1. This is fearfully similar to when tests were administered to determine if those claiming to be Torah observant truly deserved a deferment from the draft. The tests were extremely difficult and all but guaranteed that most girls and probably all sphardisheh and teimonisheh girls would fail,asking for intricate details in halacha, etc. This new initiative is frightening and just the newest way the anti-Torah “Jewish” state aims at iradicating Torah and Torah Jews. והקב”ה מצילנו מידם.

  2. To #1: You are mamash “uber-paranoid”…..stop looking for conspiracy theories for a logical and long-overdue proposal that will stimulate the economy and provide for some quality time for all Israeli families. Yes, its normal to have two days in a row without rushing around making Shabbos and then rushing back to work on Sunday. Its not bitul torah to go on a hike, spend a day at the beach, visit a museum, take the kids to a football game or do 1001 things normal people do. there will be plenty of time to get back to work (even if that means shteiging behind a shtender or coding computer programs) on Monday morning.

  3. The perverted minds that brew up this type of socialist nonsense to cost the country`s economy need to have their sanity checked – REALLY! Its the equivalent of a new tax on the country`s economy. It increases costs and reduces productivity, not to mention the not yet known new issues and problems this new nonsense will generate. These are known politicians who probably never earned an honest shekel in the private sector – only govt paychecks paid for by taxpayers who work hard and productively add to the country`s economy. These known politicians are really alot more like leeches.
    Whats even worse is the excuse of being temporary. Its that excuse that gets this passed in the first place. Once in place, the tax and spend junkie like addiction to this tax is in place and never goes away. For example, I recall a NY tax enacted as an emergency temporary two year tax. It was that “temporary” excuse that got it enacted.

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