‘Self-Funded’ Donald Trump Preparing To Seek Big-Donor Money

TRUMP-CAMPAIGN-ANALYSISDonald Trump’s plan to fund what could be a $1 billion general-election bid is coming into focus.

The presumptive Republican nominee has hired a finance team and scheduled fundraisers, including one in Los Angeles. His finance team plans a telethon at Trump Tower to raise cash.

Trump’s campaign also is completing a deal with Republican officials that will enable him to solicit six-figure checks from donors.

And super PACs are forming to help him. One that was announced Thursday aims to raise $20 million by the Republican convention in July. Former Ronald Reagan campaign manager Ed Rollins was recently hired and will meet next month with billionaire Texas oil investor T. Boone Pickens.

Asking for financial help is a major change for Trump, who largely self-funded his primary bid.


2 Responses

  1. His “self funding” is not entirely what it sounds, he LENT himself money, which means he can be paid back from funds he collects from donors. Think he won’t pay himself back?

  2. Donald trump is by far a bigger liar than crooked Hillary, he stands for absolutely NOTHING other than attention,
    for the past year he said he’s self funding his campaign and now??? then he’s saying the wall is just a suggestion!!! he won’t release his tax returns because he isn’t nearly as rich as he claims, it’s an embarrassment to all republicans that he is the nominee!!!

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