PHOTOS: Fire Truck Called To Extinguish Blaze In Meah Shearim Is Defaced With Anti-Zionist Stickers


16 Responses

  1. no problem
    they dont benefit from the state?
    ext fire will be ignored
    let them put it out themselves
    they all take money from the govt
    its baloney

  2. Even the frum tzibur is really tired of these outrageous acts. The police should treat these Chareidi fringe elements as vandals and terrorists and send them to jail for long terms. Anyone attacking a first-responder should be shot, and questions asked later. Stop treating them like they are some kind of “protected class” peacefully exercising their rights to political dissent.

  3. I’ve been seeing this slogan pasted all over the place since I’m living in E.Y. (close to 40 years). Not condoning this sort of foolishness, but to get worked up over something like this? If they are nutjobs, is it worth all the righteous anger? Gadolhador, do you get so worked up and use such language against other criminals who fill Israeli jails? Are you protesting the trial of the soldier who shot the “neutralized” terrorist in Hebron on Purim? He’s facing serious charges and possible jail time. You see how the govt. treats him. At the end of the day, (again, not agreeing or condoning it but) it’s just a sticker. Vandalism? Terrorists? Have mercy on your own blood pressure and give it a rest. Save your wrath for the truly evil ones.

  4. Burn, baby, burn.

    Let the whole hovel burn next time. If I were the Fire Chief I wouldn’t send in firefighters any more.

  5. Ywn, please stop all this everybody who knows the yerushalmers know they are very nice people and Machnisey Orchim.
    They just have a different hashkofo from the Zionism which I believe a lot of u riders agree whit and not every stupid act should be posted

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