The Grandson Of The Rebbes Passes Out While Putting On Tefilin

TefillinThe chosson bar mitzvah who was putting on tefilin on Thursday morning, 4 Iyar, happens to be a grandson of the Seret-Vishnitz Rebbe Shlita and the Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita. His bar mitzvah is scheduled for Thursday night.

The ‘hanochas tefilin’ was held on Thursday morning. The chosson bar mitzvah is a son of HaRav HaTzaddik Rav Baruch Hager, the firstborn of the Rebbe of Seret-Vishnitz. The event took place in the Seret-Vishnitz Beis Medrash in Haifa.

Both grandfathers were present for the event during which the chosson bar mitzvah passed out as tefilin were being placed on his arm. The Vishnitzer Rebbe was assisting him in putting on tefilin shel yad and the Seret-Vishnitz Rebbe was supposed to put on the rosh but the chosson bar mitzvah fainted.

The young boy was taken to the rebbe’s room where he was checked. Baruch Hashem it was determined that he was fine and the syncopal episode was attributed to the emotion of the event.

The hanochas tefilin continued after a brief recess followed by shachris. Thousands of chassidim are expected to take part in the bar mitzvah on Thursday night.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Yes. His name should be Tzadik ShelYisroel. Not very often you see such a level of excitement over a mitzvah.

  2. Strange…I’ve been to hundreds of bar and bat mitzvahs and never seen the bochur or girl “faint” from excitement. Mazel tov and he should be a big nachas to this chashuve family.

  3. #4: Every time I visited the Bobover Rov, ZTZvK”L, my heart would be pounding. To be in the presence of this great tzaddik was truly awe-inspiring, notwithstanding he was such a “down-to-earth” man, who treated every Yid no matter his background with respect and love.

    Zechisoi Yugein Uleini.

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