BREAKING PHOTOS: Dozens Of FBI Agents Are Currently In Kiryas Joel At UTA And Public Safety Building [UPDATED 11:00AM ET]

9060dd6d-7a9f-40e0-bc70-b57198d1c999Dozens of FBI Agents, the Orange County Sheriff’s Department, the Sullivan County District Attorney, and other law enforcement agencies are raiding multiple locations in the village of Kiryas Joel, YWN has learned.

The agencies confirm they are executing search warrants at the village’s public safety building and the United Talmudical Academy.

Authorities have not released specifics about the current investigation.

The United Talmudical Academy is under investigation for the federal E-Rate program, which pays for computer connectivity in nonpublic schools.


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14 Responses

  1. They are slowly and carefully trying to build a case that will bring down some of the big askanim (hopefully not rabbunim) who have engaged in various schemes to defraud federal and state welfare programs. Its long been a dirty little secret that they vote as a bloc and politicians return the favor by bending the rules to accommodate the “special needs” of these Chareidi voting blocks. Some may consider it “politics as usual” and not really criminal but I suspect it will end badly and we will soon be seeing some indictments.

  2. that means they didnt found anything last time when they sent over 200 agents so for what are they seeking again if you havn`t found of what do you seek for, so funny.
    does anyone have a answer for this,

  3. to # 10

    “they didn’t find anything last time”….
    Right, they could not find hundreds of computers that the Federal money paid for so students can learn technology etc

    So I guess they came back and was hoping at least time the computers which cost thousands if not millions, be there….

  4. Calm down everyone.. It is not fair to write negative comments before you get all the true facts. I am sure we are missing about 1000 more details. Please don’t jump to conclusions. If this happened to your relative, I am sure you would come up with all kinds of reasoning why it was legal.

  5. to 12 its not about computers for kids its about tellecommunication and security which includes telephon and alarm systems computers and much more

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