Clinton: Trump’s Tax Plan Is For Billionaires

trhilHillary Clinton says Donald Trump’s tax agenda was “written by a billionaire for billionaires” and will benefit the wealthy at the expense of middle-class workers.

Clinton says in Blackwood, New Jersey, that Trump would add trillions to the debt in exchange for tax cuts for people earning more than $1 million a year.

The Democratic presidential candidate says Trump should also release his tax returns. The Republican candidate told The Associated Press in an interview that he doesn’t plan to do that until an audit of his finances is complete. And he doesn’t expect that to be before November.

Clinton says releasing tax returns is “kind of expected” by the presidential nominees of each party and she notes she has put out more than three decades of returns.


2 Responses

  1. Like duh. Most people don’t earn enough to pay income tax (though they and their employers are hit with payroll taxes). Any reform of income tax affects primarily the rich and the middle class, since the poor don’t pay income tax.

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