PHOTOS: Old Hand Grenade Found On A Ben-Gurion Airport Runway



An old hand grenade was found on a runway at Ben-Gurion International Airport on Wednesday morning, Memorial Day in Israel. The grenade was found by a maintenance crew working on the shoulder of runways 21 and 26. It is pointed out the area in which it was found was an air force facility in the past.

A police bomb demolition team was summoned to remove the grenade. Planes were diverted to other runways until the ‘all clear’ was given.


(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem/Photos: Media Resource Group)

3 Responses

  1. Left over ordinance is a problem in many countries. In the US we are lucky that our last war was far enough in the past that they weren’t using (too many) things that exploded. The article would be interesting if they mentioned which war is was “left over” from (World War I, World War II, or one of the Arab-Israeli wars)

  2. Its NOT a runway, it was on the side of a taxiway, which is alot different. The title makes it sound like the plane couldve run over it while taking off

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