Machlokes Within Yahadut Hatorah – Will Degel Partner With Shas?

gafneTension between the litvish Degel Hatorah and chassidish Agudas Yisrael factions of Yahadut Hatorah has become a way of life. Machlokes is not news, but it now appears the situation may be bubbling over and Degel leader Moshe Gafne is hinting at the possibility of breaking away and partnering with the Shas party.

Gafne and Agudah’s Yaakov Litzman spoke with Mishpacha Magazine. Gafne accuses Litzman and Agudah of “selling out our interests”, expressing angrily that Litzman takes part in official visits and befriends “those who work against chareidi interests”, citing a recent joint official visit between Health Minister Litzman and Education Minister Naftali Bennett who heads Bayit Yehudi, to Yavne. Gafne calls Litzman’s actions “disgraceful”, accusing him of siding with the enemy, in this case Bennett and his dati leumi party.

Gafne explains that while he is working to oust Bennett and his party from the coalition, preferring to replace him with the Machane Tzioni party, Litzman sabotages his efforts at the expense of the chareidi agenda. Gafne feels Machane Tzioni with its left-wing socialist agenda is far more chareidi-friendly than Bayit Yehudi and its dati leumi hawkish right-wing agenda.

Litzman fires back, with persons close to him citing how Gafne “blew it” when signing coalition agreements following elections prematurely, resulting in significant losses to the chareidi tzibur. Agudah blames Gafne for the lack of budgeting for chareidi education, due to his jumping the gun, deciding to sign before consulting with others involved.

The tit-for-tat continues was accusation pertaining the committee that appoints the nation’s dayanim, as well as other areas, each accusing the other of compromising chareidi interests. Backers of Litzman explain the health minister is furious as Gafne expanded the attacked to the religious leadership, with Gafne accusing Litzman of failing to comply with the instructions of the Pnei Menachem of Gur ZT”L ZY”A, who set a limit of two consecutive terms in office and at the time, opposed accepting a cabinet position, as Litzman did after consulting with gedolei yisrael shlita and obtaining their approval.

Firing back, Litzman stated Gafne should do his homework for it wasn’t the Pnei Menachem who said this.

Gafne feel in fact, the litvish camp in Israel is far larger than the chassidish and therefore, Agudah has too much representation and making it worse, he exclaims “some of them do nothing while the others simply cause damage”.

He adds that it is no secret that relations between Degel Hatorah and Shas today are the best event, hinting a split may be on the agenda.

Litzman cited he does not believe this will be so and Gafne is simply blowing off steam, stating the two factions will not split and run independently of one another.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. This is so stupid!!!!

    Why is Gafni a ma’an d’omar? He is just a worker and a messenger. The gedolim are the bosses. If they have an issue let them work it out between themselves.

    Using the media is disgusting, and just makes it worse for everyone, besides the chilul Hashem.

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