Memorial Day Begins In Israel At 8 PM On Tuesday Evening

Israeli soldiers hold flags near graves of fallen soldiers at MoThis Memorial Day in Israel, the nation will remember 23,477 people who have fallen in the defense of the nation since 1860. A siren will sound at 8:00pm for one minute marking the beginning of the official state memorial ceremonies.

68 people soldiers and 31 civilians have been added to the list since last Memorial Day. In addition, 59 disabled veterans were also niftar during the year. There are 16,307 bereaved families including 9,442 bereaved parents, 4,917 bereaved widows and 1,948 orphans under the age of 30. Bituach Leumi reports there have been 2,576 ‘hostile acts’ since the end of the 1948 War of Independence.

At 9:30am on Wednesday, the official memorial will take place for the fallen members of Israel Police. This will take place on Mr. Herzl. Israel Police reports 1,450 members of the force have fallen in the line of duty. On Wednesday morning at 11am a two-minute siren will sound and then the memorial ceremonies nationwide will get underway. Many thousands will be visiting military and regular cemeteries throughout the country. The official state ceremony for victims of terror will take place on Mt. Herzl at 1pm.

At 7:45pm on Wednesday, the torch-lighting ceremony will get underway on Mt. Herzl, marking the transition from Memorial Day to Israel’s 68th Independence Day.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. Hopefully, ALL segments of the tzibur in EY will put aside politics for a day and honor the memory of the kedoshim who have been niftar al Kiddush hashem (yes….thats what it is) to protect the medinah and the yidden in the medinah. When a brave chayal in the IDF risks his life to confront a terrorist, he/she has no way of knowing if that terrorist would blow up a car carrying chareidim or secular yidden. To those who demonstrate and attack the members of the IDF (and those who incite them to violent demonstrations), may they be struck down just as we wish for the terrorists, because that’s what they are.

  2. I can’t understand why the Gadolhadorah posts these sort of messages on a chareidi website. I think it’s about time for you and all the others with similar ideas to stop trying to tell the chareidi tzibbur, the rabbonim, admorim, the roshei yeshiva, and the Bnei Torah what to do and what to think. Because, like I’ve posted countless times in the past, you need to meet with the gedolei hador whom the chareidi tzibbur follows, and persuade THEM that your opinions and your way is correct. There’s not much chance of that happening, but you could try. If you do succeed in changing their minds, the chareidi tzibbur will similarly change its mind. Nothing else has any chance of having any effect.

  3. Gadol Hador,

    It’s coming more apparent from your posts that you have adopted the reform Judaism haskafa. I hope you won’t attack gedolim, because that would be suicidal spiritually.( and join the ranks of Rabbi of Berlin, yagel libi, etc)

    To equate a charedi jew with a terrorist is nonsense. Your first half of the commentary is great. I agree. Love every yid, especially ones who are moser nefesh. Leave out this part below, because it’s NONESENSE:

    To those who demonstrate and attack the members of the IDF (and those who incite them to violent demonstrations), may they be struck down just as we wish for the terrorists, because that’s what they are.

  4. #1 you say “When a brave chayal in the IDF risks his life to confront a terrorist” the response of the medina is to put their soldier on trial for murder like a common criminal. so your battle is not with Torah abiding people who are just following daas Torah your battle should be with the atheist Zionists running the medina for now.

  5. The criticism of those who physically attack IDF soldiers walking in uniform in Meah Shearim, including those from the Nahal and other frum brigades, is NOT directed at any “gadolim”. Indeed, virtually all of the gadolim have explicitly criticized these attacks which are seemingly coordinated by a fringe groups of Chareidi extremists. The rabbonim who have been tied to these groups are not gadolim by any stretch of the imagination. Peaceful protests and civil disobedience is totally appropriate; violent attacks on individual soldiers by these thugs cannot be rationalized under anyone’s concept of yiddeshkeit whether Charaeidi, MO or whatever.

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