Photo Essay: Yartzheit Of The Beirach Moshe Of Satmar Marked By His Son The Satmar Rebbe (Photos by JDN)

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3 Responses

  1. For those of us who don’t recognize the faces, which of the two brothers is this? Zalman or Aaron? Also, I thought several years ago they agreed to a one day truce and chassidim from BOTH sides would show respect for the alte rebbe on the day of his Yahrtzeit and both sides could go to the tziyun on the same day.

  2. #1, Is the other brother not allowed to visit his fathers grave today? In the past this has been the norm. Both brothers visit their fathers grave on this day. Don’t know what should be different now. Perhaps YWN should post the other pics as well.

    Moderators Response: As soon as YWN receives any photos from his brother, the Satmar Rebbe of Kiryas Yoel – we will gladly publish them.

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