For Some in GOP, Trump-Clinton Matchup Is ‘Nightmare’ Choice

trhilMany Republican voters in conservative Utah are experiencing an acute version of the political panic attack that’s gripped much of the party since Donald Trump’s remaining rivals for the presidential nomination quit.

Some can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump in the fall. Others say Democrat Hillary Clinton is worse, and sitting out the election would amount to a vote for her.

Successful presidential candidates typically count on overwhelming support from their party’s voters. But Republicans are splintered in 2016.

At a meeting of Utah County Republicans, Melanie Sorensen described herself as a “Never Hillary person.” But she says she may be a “Never Trump person,” too.

Sorensen spends hours volunteering for the GOP. She says of what may be a Clinton-Trump election: “I’m living in a nightmare.”


5 Responses

  1. Just as true would be a headline of: “For Some Democrats, Trump-Clinton Matchup Is ‘Nightmare’ Choice”.

    But the AP would never write that…

  2. ‘ “For Some Democrats, Trump-Clinton Matchup Is ‘Nightmare’ Choice”.

    But the AP would never write that…’

    AP would not write that because it isn’t true. Clinton is hugely popular among Democrats, as seen by the 12 million votes she has received in primaries.

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