Former President Katsav Seeks A Presidential Pardon

1After his request for early release from prison for good behavior was denied by a parole board, former President Moshe Katsav has officially filed for a presidential pardon from President Reuven Rivlin. The official request was submitted on Sunday morning, 1 Rosh Chodesh Iyar.

YWN-ISRAEL recently reported that Mr. Rivlin met with members of Mr. Katsav’s family, including his wife Gila. It is presumed they were testing the waters so to speak, seeking to determine if Rivlin would grant such a request prior to making a formal request.

Officials in the President’s Residence confirm receipt of the request, which they explain has been forwarded to the presidential legal team to study it before making a recommendation to Mr. Rivlin.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. Although there may be justification to sometimes pardon regular people , but NOT politicians who supposedly have won the trust of the constituents and abused it through their abuse and corruption….Therefore there should be NO PARDON FOR THESE PEOPLE , so that people should realize there is a heavy price to pay for the ABUSE OF POWER…….,.

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