Report: Israel’s Construction Industry Provides A Dangerous Working Environment

1According to Bituach Leumi statistics released Sunday, 30 Nissan, Israel’s construction industry if far from safe. The report documents there were over 50,000 people injured and 54 killed in work-related accidents, most being among the members of the nation’s construction industry. These startling facts place Israel’s construction industry among the highest for injuries at work five times the average in Britain.

Israel ranks third from last followed by Cyprus and Portugal, both with more fatalities and injuries.

In terms of the economy, the accidents since 2010 have cost the nation over NIS 24 billion which has been paid in the form of compensation. This figure rises annually. The report cites the figure does not take indirect damages to the workplace into account, which amounts to an estimated 2 million work days annually.

Varda Edwards of the Economy Ministry’s Safety Administration authored the report, working with Rivka Prior of Bituach Leumi’s Disabilities Unit.

The five-year average in the construction industry for 2010 shows 25.4 fatalities per 100,000 workers and in 2015 it was higher, 33.2 per 100,000. In fact, it is reported that construction workers are five times more likely to be killed in a work-related accident that any other industry in Israel.

It appears that half of the workers killed and injured were sub-contractors and this permits contractors to evade punishment in many cases. Some feel this is a major contributory factor to the lack of job safety. The report blames the various authorities and agencies, explaining the contractors are not afraid and therefore, they lack the incentive to spend to create a safer working environment.

While the majority of construction workers are Israeli citizens, the report adds in 2015 foreign workers were twice as likely to be killed on the job than an Israeli worker.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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