Statement From Councilman Chaim Deutsch After Voting No On Plastic Bag Tax

deut“Today, I voted against Intro 209, a bill to create a $0.05 fee on plastic bags. I voted against this legislation because I believe that it’s a regressive tax and will create unnecessary financial burdens for the hardworking residents of my district and of New York City. Many of our neighbors are already struggling to put food on the table, and an additional charge to everyday shoppers is unwelcome and unfair.

I believe in protecting our environment to make our City a healthier, more sustainable place to raise our families. But it is important not to do that disproportionately on the backs of low and middle-income New Yorkers.

I commend State Senator Simcha Felder for proposing a State bill that could potentially overturn this piece of legislation and I look forward to expressing my opposition to the $0.05 fee in my testimony at the State public hearing, scheduled for June 3rd.”

(YWN Desk – NYC)

9 Responses

  1. Shame on Deutsch….every benefit/cost study that has been done on the issue of plastic bags shows substantial net benefits from reducing the amount of these bags tht end up in trash, landfills, waterways etc. The environmental costs and big mitzvah of tikun olam outweigh any minor burden on consumers. This bill should become law and we will all be better off. The amount of waste coming from frum neighborhoods is growing by an order of magnitude, especially motzi Shabbos and yom tov when you see piles of black plastic garbage bags (which are not covered by the surcharge) filled with non-recyclable plastic plates and utensils. Its time to focus on minimizing this waste. Perhaps charging everyone for trash disposal by the lb would make everyone consider the burdens their selfish actions are imposing on the oilam we all share.

  2. That’s the point mr gadolhador. We will not change how we do things and it will only make the store owners more money. Before you comment go look at David greenfields statement before he voted no. I’m very upset this bill passed. JUST SAYING!!!!!

  3. You are not a gadoltorah with your answer,shame on you . Thank you Mr Feldet, Thank you Mr Deutsh , and thank all trying to defeat this nonsense additional tax . At my house every shopping bag is being used till its nonusable , either for lunch bag or sending food to children or neighbor. Shame on Council Member Lander go voting yes .vote for him at next election. We don’t need liberal candidates representing us , He does not hold the views of of his District . We have to get rid of him in next election

  4. You missed the point as well, #2. The point is we live in a free country, and NO ONE will force us to cut down on what we deem as a reasonable use of plastic bags. #1 and De Blasio should take their sickening comments to Cuba.

  5. I am elated that Reb Chaim Deutsch voted against this ridiculous piece of legislation. It is great to know that our Councilmember does truly represent his constituents when voting on legislation. May the rebbono shel olam continue giving Chaim Deutsch the strength, energy and courage to represent us. May this be the beginning of a new politic, the type where our views are heard.

    If the city is so concerned about the environment, let that Blasio start by cleaning up the filthy subway stations. No other rail system worldwide has filthy subway stations like NYC.

  6. The lowlife, Lander, should be voted out of office because of his support for the militant homosexual community. He walks in lockstep with the worst of the radical left-wing Liberals. It’s Jews like him, and fat Jerry, that are the greatest sources of Chillul Hashem!

  7. There is no mitzva of tikkun oilam. It was fabricated by the liberal Rabbis.
    If they really wanted to reduce plastic consumption why charge for brown bags that are from recycled material? Why can stores give away reusable bags only 2 weeks a year?

  8. In the UK large stores now charge for plastic bags. Most people are now used to carrying a bag when they go shopping. I certainly haven’t had any problems although I know others have. You just have to get used to the concept.

  9. @Gadolhadorah
    You have pushed the “tikkun olam mitzva” button a number of times recently. Can you please inform this august, yet seemingly ignorant readership where the “mitzva” is mentioned in any of the classic Halacha sources?
    Lashon Horah and Rechilus however…

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