Talmid Yeshiva Wanted by IDF Apprehended in Eilat – Hafganos Called For Today Around Israel

hafTalmid Yeshivas Shaare Tevuna in Elad, Moshe Chazzan, did not report to the IDF induction center as requested because he follows the psak of HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita. He was apprehended and taken into custody on Wednesday night the eve of 27 Nissan while visiting in Eilat.

Witnesses report that some called police “Nazis” as they arrested him. This struck a painful note for some on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel.

Upon hearing of the arrest Rav Auerbach summoned a number of askanim who deal with this issue, reportedly telling them “we must make all the noise in the world” and to get out into the streets immediately to protest. A protest did take place on Wednesday night in Bnei Brak.

It is reported that a military policeman stopped Moshe on an Eilat street and asked to see his teudat zehut (identity card). His ID number triggered an alert, that he is wanted by military authorities for not reporting to register for the draft. He was taken to IDF Prison 4. He will be brought before a military judge in the coming days.

Protests are set for today around the country beginning at 3:30PM, reportedly ordered by Rav Auerbach. Some of the locations include:

Jerusalem: Bar Ilan/Shmuel HaNavi, Kvish Ramot Jct., Herzl/HaPisgah at the entrance to Bayit Vegan.

Beit Shemesh: At the corner of Nar HaYarden and Herzog.

Modi’in Region: Shilat Junction

There will also be protests in the north and south, including Haifa. Details will be announced locally during the day, organizers report.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

25 Responses

  1. 1. No one has the right to call another Jew a Nazi. Just no one.
    2. Instead of draft dodging, which is illegal regardless of your halachic view, show up when you’re told and go through the official process of release from army duty.
    3. OR serve in the highly-supported Nachal Haredi.

    Your hatred of fellow Jews is obvious and horrible.

  2. Can someone explain to me how creating a massive protest for an issue such as this will endear us to our secular brethren? Here is someone who broke the law and was caught presumably “chilling in Eilat”. Its not like they dragged the kid out the Bais Medrash! Granted most yeshivos are on vacation now, although most secular Jews (and even many religious ones such as myself) will have difficulty understanding why Yeshivos are not in session while the rest of society is back at work/school.

  3. The Zionists shmad will not succeed, we resisted the czar and the Communits now will be resist the atheist Zionists.

  4. To Ruth,
    Your question may be a good one but the answer is that the reason why this boy didn’t go to draft is because he listened to gedolei yisroel. Period. On that one may not question

  5. Ruth:
    1. Why can no Jew call another Jew a Nazi? What IF — IF — they act exactly like (or worse than did) the Nazis (who were at least not fellow Jews)? There is no logic to proclaim that they cannot be called what they are (emulating).

    2. What if you were required to literally bow to an idol, or to commit some other grave sin, in order to go through “the official process of release”? What if you had to murder someone as an “initialization rite”? Would you still insist they show up and go through the process?

    3. What if “Nachal Chareidi” is not for a good frum boy, as even a Rabbi running the program admitted on record years ago?

    The answer to all this seems to be that you decided that you and the Zionists know halacha better than the Rabbis.

  6. And this, folks, is how many less-than-observant Israeli Jews become secular, by watching these so-called religious Jews act in this manner. Certainly don’t want to be a Jew like that!

  7. Let’s be clear on this. Reporting to the army to get an exemption is yehareg VeAl yaavor.
    Drinking at a pub in Eilat is not!

  8. Hakatan,
    What IF ? What IF? What IF my grandmother would have had wheels? What IF?
    What IF Zionist rabbis also know halacha?

    You make it sound like A-L-L gedolei Yisroel are of one mind. I got news for you. We’re Jews, and we question everything and everybody so long it’s not kefirah. We’re not automatons, you know.

  9. Every ‘yeshiva bochur’ caught participating in any of these protests should have his ‘torahto umanuto’ exemption permanently revoked and every yeshiva that encourages or permits its talmidim to participate in any of these protests should be permanently disqualified from receiving government funding and should permanently lose its tax exemption and other benefits. Ad Matai Reshaim Yaalozu?!

  10. Its kind of ironic that participants in the hafganos will be using the roads paved, maintained and patrolled by the very government they are protesting. If someone is hurt or faints, they will be treated in a medical system supported by the very government they are protesting. If they are having hafganos at night the streetlights they will benefit from are run on an infrastructure developed and maintained by the same government.

    I suppose they have a right to protest legally, as long as they do so within the limitations set out for demonstrations by law. But if they feel a need morally, don’t they also have a need morally to demonstrate hakoras hatov for all of the things the demonstrators are making use of that I mentioned above? I think I’ll be waiting a long time to see that.

    And please, isnt the “shmad” business getting just a bit long in the tooth?

    Newsflash: Even the most secular ideological zionist isnt interested in you losing the hat and the bekeshe and the payess; He’s only interested in you leaving the yeshiva for enough time so that you can do for society what his son is expected to do. HE DOESN”T CARE about how you spend your own time, or what God you believe in, or what level of mehadrin hashgocho you eat.

    You have a hugely overblown sense of self importance, if you think he wants to destroy your soul. He’s got too many other priorities – making a living, defending his country, spending time with his kids back from the army for a weekend, discovering the gift of Eretz Yisroel, and YOU, hakatan, Karlben Marx, you are way down at the bottom of his list. He is only interested in you regarding sharing responsibilities in society or not infringing on his rights in the democratic society you both live in.

    Get over yourselves.

  11. For those of you who don’t live here (or do but don’t belong to the Israeli yeshiva world):
    If the American govrnment decided to impose a mandatory draft on all 18-year-olds including your yeshiva bochurim, and all atempts at negotiations failed, what would you do?
    I am not equating the American military with the IDF, however, neither environment is conducive to shteiging, not even Nachal Chareidi where it is illegal to turn off the TV in the common room (my friend’s son was there)
    Why is it that yeshiva bochurim all over the world can learn in Bais Medrash while bochurim here in E”Y have to fight for a chance to continue learning in yeshiva past 12th grade?
    I am not advocating for burning garbage cans (I sat in major traffic today) – but unfotunately what it boils down to is that if noone put their foot down, the Batei Medrashim here would begin to empty out from the increasing quotas the government is attemting to extract of yeshiva bochurim.
    We need solutions, not condemnation.

  12. It’s foolishness. It’s a religious boy. You can tell on how he dress and haircut. That’s it.let him go. End of story. Why they have to throw him in jail away from Yeshiva and force him in to a default hunger strike because of the almost treif meals he will be provided?

  13. # 14. Who you think you are that you can label other Jews as Jew Haters? Who gave you such permission? I guess you get it from the same place as those who call IDF and POLICE who protect lives of ALL JEWS (yes, frum Jews too)and put their life at risk. When was the last time you put your life at risk for another Yid, or at least did some KIDISH HASHEM besides sitting on “treif” internet and bashing others who actually are correct in their opinions. Making hafganos don’t accomplish nothing, just make other JEWS look at the FRUM Jews as parasites, and it certainly often looks that way.
    Of course it’s a way you like to see that if frum Yid is arrested (does not even matter what for) let’s make hafganos, inconvenience thousands of people, damage someones property etc). You may think it’s a great thing, but most Boruch Hashem will see it as a great Hillul Hashem, for which there is no Tshuvah. So you don’t have to wait till Yom Kipur to ask for mechila from people you called Jew Haters.

    # 3. I did not expect anything else from you, as you always sing the same Naturei karta songs. But I really do find it ironic every time you mention about Communists (I bet you even never met one in real life) with such nick as karl marx (the biggest Communist for those who don’t know)

    # 4 It’s sad that on the day when most Jews (and many Frum Jews too) and even non Jews remember the horrible things that Nazis did to Jews, when they gassed millions in camps, and buried live young children, women, men, elder Yiden, you don’t understand why it’s a horrible thing to call another Jew with the same name. It’s a shame your parents never educated you about that, and if you don’t like someone you still don’t even compare them to Nazis.
    Boruch Hashem that when I became baal Tshuvah I met great frum Jews who shared with me Ahavas Isroel, showed me the beauty of Shabbat, and importance of my heritage, and brought me closer to Hashem. If you met any of you above, I would definitely not feel any of these things, and your attitudes to other Jews, would turn me off and i would never become frum (I’m sure you don’t care, and probably think if I disagree with you, I’m not frum)I will finish my though with Hillel’s words: “Love your neighbor as yourself”

  14. Hello,

    It’s difficult taking Zionflag, Yagel Libi, and Rabbi of berlin( probably actually a reform rabbi) seriously.Especially going against a chashuv gadol like Rabbi Auerback.

    How can these specific commentators make an outcry now, but were quiet when the IDF insitituted chopping beards off a few months ago, and forcing frum soldiers to listen to Kol Isha.

    As a Marketing professional, I would give incentives to join teh IDF. Works better than cornering someone. Perhaps they could learn and learn a trade too. The IDF should do such a program. How about allowing civil service such as helping autistic or handicapped kids…my frum friend did that for his duty.

  15. #12- ‘bochurim here in E”Y have to fight for a chance to continue learning in yeshiva past 12th grade’ – SERIOUSLY??? While his brethren join the IDF, fight and die to protect Am Yisrael, all that is required of said yeshiva bochur is to FILL OUT A FORM after which he is automatically exempted from service and may learn to his hearts content – this you pathetically call ‘fighting for a chance to continue learning in yeshiva’?! The narcissistic hypocrisy of it all is simply staggering.

  16. i only want to respond to dbrim, because he/she is the only comment which i disagree with that actually has somewhat of an inkling of intelligence.

    you ask why while in all other countries bochurim are free to shteig all day, as opposed to israel. let me point out a few things.
    1- if there were bochurim in any of the other countries with a mandatory draft, they wouldn’t be able to keep shteiging. no other governments give exemptions to chareidi bochurs.
    2- stop being dramatic. why cant bochurs in israel keep learning after 12th grade? they can. that law was made at the onset of the State. this kid in eilat was arrested because he refused to avoid the process that ALLOWS HIM NOT TO DO THE ARMY!
    3- a non-dramatic version of your question is: why do bochurs have to go through a process to be exempt from the army? why do people want the bochurs in the army? BECAUSE WE HAVE OVER TWENTY SURROUNDING COUNTRIES SWORN TO DESTROY US. SO WE NEED PEOPLE TO FIGHT.
    if you want to live in eretz hakodesh, there’s a price. it’s not free for anyone. most of the country literally puts their lives in danger to protect it, while this eilat punk refuses to even go through the process that will exempt him. and THEN people complain in his favor!

  17. even worse than the eilat kid are the chutzpas who are idiotic enough to think that blocking pedestrian traffic will do anything other than make the rest of the country hate them. no wonder chareidim were voted MORE HATED THAN THE ARABS in israel. we’re supposed to be working on achdus. leaving their State-sponsored yeshivos taking state-sponsored buses to block state-sponsored roads isnt how to do it. if they did this in any other country (including the US) forget about it!

  18. Lucky this happened during bein hazemanim otherwise the heilige bucherim would all have been shteiging in learning and who would have been able to be mekadesh shem shomayim in the streets?

  19. #14 shame on you! We just finished Pesach, wasn’t Pharaoh a bigger Jew hater than Ruth? How about Haman from Purim? On a day like today, can’t we say that Hitler is a bigger Jew hater than Ruth? I’m going to go ahead and stand WITH Ruth. You can call us both the biggest Jew Haters! A Nazi didn’t let Jews leave the country. A Nazi would have hanged and killed this bochur in the streets. A Nazi aim, shoot, and kill any protesters. We must never forget what real Nazis and Hitler did to the Jewish people. As with American police, I respect the dedication of American an Israeli police, regardless if I disagree with them. If this bochur has a problem, he can leave Israel! What he can’t do is register for the mandated army, then skip out. That is a crime and should be punishable. Secondly, “Gedolim” is such an objective word. There are gedolim and frum Rabbonim on BOTH sides of the aisle. If we all want to be like puppets and follow a Rav like a sheep, then that is your business.

  20. the violence from the cops is sickening I am not sure why these cops are being made into such tzadikim that they cant hear that they are acting disgusting. Protesters in america always block streets its not a new thing. Violent cops are wrong!

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