Mass Causality Incident In Lakewood, After High CO Readings Found In Yeshiva Building; Dozens Of Children Being Evaluated


A large response of emergency personnel are on the scene in Lakewood after high CO readings were found in a Yeshiva Building south of County Line Road, right next door to Noam Lane.

Lakewood Hatzolah, Lakewood EMS, the Fire Department as well as the Lakewood Police Department are all on the scene and evaluating more than 100 people.

The building houses a Yeshiva Gedolah, which is currently off due to Bain Hazmanim, but there are playgroups which rent space in the building as well.

As of this posting, the children seem OK, but are being evaluated as a precaution.

Dozens of personnel are on the scene, and Lakewood EMS has set up a large tent to work under.

Further details will be published as it becomes available.

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(Charles Gross – YWN)

36 Responses

  1. If the children are BH ok, why the headline of ” Mass Casualty ” , which implies there are fatalities CV

  2. This headline was truly inappropriate, even sickening. Not just because the the word casualty was misspelled, but because there were, in fact, no casualties whatsoever, B”H. Yellow journalism. Shame, shame.

  3. “Mass casualties” is sensationalist and misleading. Also, the word causality denotes an effect.

  4. #1 Although there might not be any mass casualties
    there are mass causality as the title suggests…..

  5. Which one is it? “Mass casualty” CH’V or “As of this posting, the children seem OK, but are being evaluated as a precaution.” ?????????

  6. What’s a ‘Causality’??

    Chas Veshalem it does not mean Casualty, because as it is clear from the article, B”H no one has died from it.

  7. To all the knee-jerk commentators bashing YWN out there, I am a 25 year Hatzolah Paramedic, and yes, this was an MCI – a Mass causality Incident.

    YWN used the appropriate terminology.

    Keep it up “121”.

  8. #9, thank you for your service to the Community but being a Hatzolah member does not immediately give you a degree for the English Language. You may use that term between your organization but for the general public, it clearly means there were fatalities.

  9. Causality – “the relationship between cause and effect”
    Casualty – “a person or thing badly affected by an event or situation”

    To medicer,
    Mass Casualty Incident may be the correct term, but not Mass Causality Incident. They are two different words with very different meanings.

  10. Wikipedia defines a mass casualty incident as “A mass casualty incident (often shortened to MCI and sometimes called a multiple-casualty incident or multiple-casualty situation) is any incident in which emergency medical services resources, such as personnel and equipment, are overwhelmed by the number and severity of casualties.” There were B”H no casualties here. Causality is the relationship between causes and effects. I think YWN used the wrong terminology here. Why don’t you YWN simply change the article and take down all the complaints?

  11. cau·sal·i·ty
    the relationship between cause and effect.
    the principle that everything has a cause. (Thats the word used in the title).

  12. Perhaps instead of debating the plain language meaning of “mass casualty” someone could explain first of all how such a high level of CO could have built up without any alarms having sounded and how the first-responders “evaluate” possible victims. Lets assume the regular headline writer for YWN is taking his family for a post-yom tov vacation and whoever was filling in was acting in good faith to highlight this incident.

  13. The folks of Lakewood Hatzoloh have to know what the incident they are responding to is calling for. When they gear up for a call, more often than not, they get a heads up so they know what to expect and know what to show up with. The title that YWN used is appropriate in the way the news is reported to them from the field. It is correct. The facts on the ground may be different, though I think they’re reporting the basis for the initial call. The results are what they’ve correctly reported.

    Good thing the Z’man is starting soon – we’ll have something more important to “c’ler” on a dialy basis.

  14. Im betting they find multiple reasons for the high readings, justifying the use of the term mass causality.

  15. thanks for the scare. my heart leaped out of my chest but instead there were no CASUALTIES. BH. Change the title.

  16. as a recent person to pass the EMT course we were taught that when there is normally more patients then responders then it becomes an MCI in addition there is more to an MCI then the words of see below

    Mass Casualty Incident components with respect to
    emergency medical response. Components include:

    yeshiva world is correct in the wording of it but for people that have no clue will of course bash them as they dont understand nor do they care all tehy care about is bashing the wording of it

    #9 thank you for your service and keep it up

  17. I had a good laugh when I took Medicer seriously and Google ‘MCI Mass Causalty’.

    Apparently in his 25 years of experience he made the same typo as a few other Emergency Response systems, including some official training manuals. They use the word ‘Causalty’ in their title, but from the context of the rest of the info, it is clear that they mean Casualty, and in fact they switch to use the correct word later.

    So yes, this article has a huge mistake in the headline, despite a 25-year Hatzolah veteran’s also making the same mistake.

    We YWN readers that were shocked by the headlines did in fact react appropriately. (This does not prove that we always do so…)

  18. In other words, there is no such thing as a Mass Causalty Incident. MCI refers to a Mass Casualty Incident.

    Look it up…

  19. People… When you get tired of this thread’s topic there is one earlier that is empty that talks about a drowned person’s condition improving. That technically means techiyas hameisim. So head on over there and debate the semantics of that when you have the time. Cheerio!

  20. Cmutty – I’ve been many years in medicine, including EMS. Just because you passed some course, doesn’t mean you have to defend YWN. Actually in EMS we use the word MCI, even if it’s Not. But this website is for the public! Btw, your education is just beginning, not the way most EMT’s think!

  21. To No. 32

    In the time it took you to read the article and scroll quickly through 30 postings exploring the etymology of “casuality” and “casualty” you could have learned a half blot gemorah or said at least 2 or 3 kapital tehillim. Clearly, you too, lack anything productive to do other than give the rest of us musar about our lack of purpose.

  22. GadolHadorah,

    You can learn a half blatt in the time it takes to say 3 kapitel tehillim? That’s impressive

  23. Here’s an idea – How abour YWN make a mandatory limit of 3 syllables per word for all YWN articles and posts because clearly longer words lead to a mass confusison incident (MCI)

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