Ted Cruz Suspends Campaign


Cruz’s campaign said he plans to drop out of the race Tuesday following his loss in Indiana’s Republican primary to Trump.

Cruz’s campaign placed its hopes on a data-driven effort to turn out conservative evangelical Christians who had opted out of recent presidential elections. Increasingly, he would modify his travel schedule to go where data showed there might be pockets of untapped supporters.


8 Responses

  1. Donald trump will be the single best president for this country and for israel!! All the pundits and hockers can jewish media can call it quits because you guys have no clue what your talking about, and we see how wrong you are by the never trump movement and scaring innocent readers about Donald trump! Just on the trump train or you guys will miss it (or if your democratic of course with no brains then vote clinton because she will anyhow get swept by Donald) Thank you guys!

  2. My heart goes out to him. He’s a good man and would make a much better president than the DumpTrump. I think that gives Billy another 4 years in the White House. This country is a dump.

  3. This is a sad day for the country.

    Just imagine, no one under 50 has ever voted for a conservative for president.

  4. The “Conservatives” today are mostly in reality immoral liberals who are against government over involvement and overspending, meaning it’s the high taxes, and too much immigration that is bothering them.

    Only a dysfunctional nation, including the so-called “Conservatives”, fed on a steady garbage intake of TV, movies and shows can vote for someone as insane as Trump, who time and time again says the dumbest things, and ignore a metsch like Cruz.

  5. Reality check for all those of of you who actually thought Cruz would trump Trump:
    Trump’s on deck and whatever his many faults are, he is still a far better option than Clinton and her ilk – immoral, corrupt, lying anti-semitic Israel bashers.
    How any frum Jew could vote for her is beyond me.

  6. This is TERRIBLE news!!! there was some hope before this…now there is no one to vote for! Hillary and Trump are two sides of the same coin. I am so sorry for Cruz and this country.

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