BREAKING: Donald Trump Wins Indiana Primary; Too Early To Call Democrat Race

GOP-MARCH-ASSESS71Donald Trump has won the Republican presidential primary in Indiana, continuing his surge toward clinching the GOP nomination.

The win for Trump is a blow to Ted Cruz, who will fall further behind the billionaire in the race for the 1,237 delegates needed to claim the Republican nomination.

Among his supporters Tuesday was Roger Willett, a 51-year-old Republican who says he has been a Trump supporter since the businessman’s campaign began.

Willett works as a driver escorting oversize truck loads and complained that the economy in rural western Indiana offers few prospects, particularly for people just getting out of school. He says he’s tired of voting for career politicians and called Trump “a working man, for us.”

Donald Trump will collect at least 45 delegates for his victory in Indiana, putting him on a solid path to clinch the nomination and avoid a contested convention.

There are still 12 delegates left to be allocated.

Trump needs to win just 43 percent of the remaining delegates to capture the nomination by the end of the primaries on June 7.

He has won a majority of the delegates allocated so far.

Trump’s rivals, Ted Cruz and John Kasich, have been mathematically eliminated from reaching the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nomination before the convention. Their only hope is to block Trump and force a contested convention in which no one arrives with a majority of the delegates.

The AP delegate count:

Trump: 1,041.

Cruz: 565.

Kasich: 152.

3 Responses

  1. Donald trump will be our nominee and future president! Common sense is finally winning in this country! Now all the pundits including jewish media and hockers, can call it quits! And when he turns out to be the best president for israel and the jews the pundits and the media can quit all together!

  2. I love how YWN picks the ugliest possible pictures for the Donald Trump news, and the nicest ones for Cruz. Really shameful open bias.

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