Anticipation Builds For Veretzky Rebbe Visit to United States

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Chassidim and admirers of the Veretzky Rebbe Shlita are readying themselves for the Rebbes upcoming visit to America. The Rebbe is a direct decedent of Zidichov, a 10th generation Ainikel of the Baal Shem Tov. The Rebbe is renowned for his genuine warmth, ahavas yisroel and a poel yeshuous.  Visitors to the Rebbe are taken by the Rebbes overabundance of fatherly love and warmth, deep compassion and extreme concern for each individual. The Rebbe will never let a visitor leave his presence until he is sure that he has done everything he could on the petitioners behalf, devoting tremendous efforts literally as a father to a son or daughter  inspiring, guiding and effecting yeshuous.

One of the many people who have witnessed miracles due to the Rebbe’s wisdom and guidance shares the following story:

“I came to The Veretzky Rebbe on a Monday crying my heart out. I am an importer of shoes in the NY region and I was in serious financial distress. For three long weeks, the Customs Department would not release a few containers that I had imported. Each day that the containers were not released, I was unable to sell the shoes to customers, which resulted in a loss of thousands of dollars. This left myself and my family in a dire financial situation. The Rebbe showed sympathy and mercy for me as if my troubles were his own. The Rebbe takes three hours to say the entire Book Tehillim each day, and he promised that he would include me in his prayers. The Rebbe gave me a Kamaya, which is given to people who desperately need a miracle. The Rebbe then advised me to say some specific prayers, then go to visit Customs Control while carrying the Kamaya that he had given me. The following Wednesday, Customs Control had finally released my merchandise.” D. B.

This example is certainly not the only one of its kind. Many who have visited the Rebbe have experienced yeshuos in situations of court cases, legal matters, and financial distress.

The Rebbe’s Melave Malke seudos, which include a minyan every motzei shabbos, are truly a sight to behold.  The Rebbe’s grandfather the Baal Shem Tov is known to have taught that any person who has a melave Malka with a minyan is sure to have Dovid HaMelech as a guest. Additionally, the Besh”t  said that after 10 generations of his descendants, he himself would be present as a guest at a melave Malka made with a minyan each week. Indeed, this means that two additional holy guests are present at each of the Veretzky melave Malka seudos: The  Baal Shem Tov, and Dovid HaMelech himself.  As making such a melave Malka is a shmira for a city, many communities have been m’kabel this mitzvah as per the Rebbe’s guidance. One such individual recalls the following:

“I had three daughters who were having difficulty finding a shidduch. The Rebbe advised me to take upon myself to celebrate the Melaveh Malkah every Motzei Shabbos with my daughters’ participation. Each motzei Shabbos, the Rebbe read my kvittel by the Melave Malkah. The Rebbe also offered a special wine to me that was used as a “cup of blessing” at the Melaveh Malkah. I used the “cup of blessing,” took upon myself to take the Rebbe’s advice, and that same year all three daughters got engaged.” A.G.

The Rebbe will be in Boro Park on Nov.13th at the home of Reb Moshe Beilush, 1741 – 56th Street,Brooklyn N.Y. and will remain there until Nov.24th.

For information regarding the Rebbe’s visit please call 347-922-8909.

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