Sharp Increase In Candidates For Non-Recognized Giyur In Israel

mikAs a result of a High Court ruling, there is a reported increase in giyur via alternative networks – other than the system approved by the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. This refers to the decision compelling the Beersheva Religious Council to permit a Reform convert toivel in a city mikve in the presence of a Reform Beis Din. There is reportedly a sharp drop in the number of conversion candidates entering state-approved systems.

It is pointed out that Kol Chai Radio adds that among the private batei din reporting an increase in candidates is the well-accepted beis din of HaGaon HaRav Nissim Karelitz Shlita.

The Giyur K’halacha Beis Din which operates under HaGaon HaRav Nachum Eliezer Rabinowitz Shlita also reports a 50% increase in candidates since the High Court ruling. The beis din now received 20-30 inquiries daily.

The battle over the control of religious services in Eretz Yisrael has clearly shifted to the court of the High Court of Justice and this reality threatens the continued control of these services in line with halacha, as they have been since the creation of the State of Israel. The Reform and Conservative Movements are regularly chipping away at halachic oversight of religious services by bringing petitions to the High Court, which occasionally rules in their favor. This is most prominent in the above-mentioned ruling as well as rulings in favor of the Women of the Wall and the newly-reestablished egalitarian prayer area near the Kosel.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

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