Katsav Family Continues Efforts For A Presidential Pardon

.Amid reports that President Reuven Rivlin is contemplating a presidential pardon for former President Moshe Katsav, Mrs. Katsav has reportedly met with Rivlin a number of times.

According to reports, Moshe Katsav’s mental state has deteriorated significantly after a parole board denied his request for early release for good behavior. Mr. Katsav has served 4.5 years of a 7-year sentence and expected to be released after serving two-thirds for good behavior as is customary in the prison system.

According to a Channel 1 News report Sunday night the eve of 24 Nissan, Mrs. Gila Katsav met with President Rivlin at least twice in recent months. Israel Radio on Monday morning added that Mr. Katsav’s attorney reports his client’s mental state has declined significantly since the parole board decision and he fears the worst.

The report added that while some are calling to have Mr. Katsav’s status evaluated by a psychiatrist to determine the extent of his condition, others are calling to evaluate the status of the women he was convicted of assaulting regarding a possible presidential pardon for their attacker and how this will impact their mental status.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. The whole trial was a political frame-up from the start.

    Somebody just didn’t want him to be president!

    The politicization of the judicial system in Israel and the resulting horrible injustice done to M. Katzav, including the parole refusal, is appalling.

    The president should be a mensch and grant him a FULL PARDON!

    The women who gave false testimony against him should have been prosecuted and NOT Katzav!!

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