Vishnitzer Rebbe Calls For Calm Regarding Post-Pesach Chametz

1The Vishnitzer Rebbe Shlita on Shabbos instructed chassidim to act accordingly after Shabbos when it comes to tracking down bread and chametz. The rebbe explained the pushing, shoving and disputes in bakeries and other areas selling fresh chametz is inappropriate for chassidim and must be avoided.

He added that in recent years he has heard that some people literally get into fist fights and such behavior must be avoided over a piece of fresh bread as such behavior is unacceptable for chassidim and bnei torah.

(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. It’s a disgrace that the Rebbe has to even mention that. Contrast that with some of the stories you heard from 80 yrs ago in nazi occupied europe when the grandparents of these modern day behemoths/ professional fressers were forced to share 1 piece of stale moldy bread with 10 other jews.

  2. Didn’t the lessons of Matza being the opposite of Ga’avah as represented by Chometz, sink into these people over the course of an entire week?

  3. Really? To all three of you, poster 1,2,&3
    Is that all you have to say?
    How are you going away from Yom Tov and how are they going out from the Yom Tov.

    Yes, you me and everyone else know’s how almost every store in every Jewish Neighborhood looked last night. And this is every year.
    I passed a specific Pizza shop in Brooklyn last night, I don’t think it was even an hour of the z’man and there was a line out side with maybe thirty people. (I didn’t stop to count) waiting to get Tana Rishon.
    I was thinking to my self. Everyone B”H want’s to buy only from a frum Ehrlich store. With a good Hechsher that can be relied on. That they sold the Chometz, Or don’t start baking in Yom Tov.
    But it comes after Yom Tov, And suddenly, they put pressure on the stores to have a hot Pizza ready for them.
    I heard one Pizza shop owner say in shul, I’m not putting a sign up with a time when I’ll be open. When I have it ready, then I’ll roll up the gate. let it be two hours three hours or more. It’s hardly the zman. The Rov needs to buy the Chometz back. And already there’s a line.

    When Chas V’Sholom, we hear or read something negative a young boy or girl did. Right away people start pointing on the Yeshivas. Sadly we live in a world where many parents do’t talk to their children about how we are supposed to behave and act.

    So the Viznitser Rebbe Shlita, talks to his Eida k’dosha. He teaches and talk’s to his young and old Chasidim. He remind’s them how a Yid says good bye to a Yom Tov.
    And by the way, I know other Rebbe’s also talk to their Chasidim, especially the young, the Bochurim younger leit etc….. And remind them to remember all the Mitzvos that are done through out a Pesach or other Yomim Tovim, and it should be a reminder for the whole coming zman, How they should conduct them self’s.

    So, You couldn’t find anything positive to say or not to say?
    Please re read the article, and after reading my response think again about how you responded.

    And by the way. I’m not a Viznitser Chosid.

  4. #6, right on!
    In the hotels and in the stores, you can get almost anything you can imagine for Pesach that mimics chametz. Pizza, hot dog buns, the list is endless. And people just grab this stuff even if they wouldn’t eat the real thing most of the year. They wouldn’t survive the week of Yom Tov without it! And at the stroke of of the man they are out there anxiously anticipating that pizza! Something the 10 jews sharing moldy bread mentioned by one of the genius commentators never even heard of before the war.
    The Rebbe’s words are wise teachings. The comments are utterly disgusting.

  5. We are Vizhnitzers but we have not bought bread motzei yom tov for many years already – for many reasons. We can’t wait one more day for the bread?! It makes everything so much calmer and gives us a chance to say goodbye to Pesach properly.

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